The Reaktor Sequencer I would love and perhaps still doesn't exist? Or does it?

willieraylewis Member Posts: 12 Member
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

Haven't posted in awhile, since I requested a simple stereo sample player, and Toybox Audio totally solved that one (among other builders).

So here's what I dream of.

An 8 or 16 step sequencer with VELOCITY PER STEP (a la Bento Sequencer) AND storable modulate-able snaps (patterns) -- (a la Toybox nano sequencer, or the free pack sequencers.) All in one block. Basically a Bento Sequencer with storable patterns that can be changed/modulated via A/B mod ins. A bonus would be a multitrack version, like 4 eight step sequencers in a single block. Playback direction, number of steps, gate length and glide should be implemented like in the Bento version.

That's it. Coming from a player, and I wish I was a builder because I would totally build this if I new how to program. Saying this humbly and thankful to all those who build.


  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    You can use the automation for that if you have a DAW.

    It probably has the alternative to the sequencer feature.

    As for the stereo, create 2 same Reaktor tracks, move the pan knob of the one track to the left, and the second one to the right!

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    You can use the automation for that if you have a DAW

    No you can't

    OP is asking for a sequencer Block where different patterns can be selected via A/B Blocks modulation. There is no way to achieve that with DAW automation.

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    Maybe he can use MIDI learn.

    Maybe that is the only solution.

    I don't know. You can give it a shot.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    You could mess about with converting from Blocks CV to midi, then send that to your DAW and try an use it to select patterns or something. But I think it would always be a messy workaround, and each time you go back after a few months to do the same thing, you would have to remember how to set it all up again. It's never going to be immediate and playable in the same way that a native Blocks solution would be.

    Best option for OP is to take a little time to learn Reaktor, and build it, or modify an existing Block.

    I wouldn't worry though, the question was posted 2 months ago ;)

  • s0L4Rx
    s0L4Rx Member Posts: 5 Member

    done this in R4

  • willieraylewis
    willieraylewis Member Posts: 12 Member

    I'm the OP. I tried this in Bitwig and it does work by using modulators (like Steps) to modulate snapshot changes via midi for the Bento Box sequencer, for example. Its just clunky and having to switch between the Reaktor screen and the Bitwig channel kills the workflow. But it does work. Just thought it would be nice to be able to do it all in a block. Toybox free pack sequencers are the closest that do this- they have pattern storage that can be modulated with the A/B thing, but no velocity per step, like Bento. Same with the nano sequencer, which needs a ramp block to run it, but no velocity on that one either.

  • Jhonbpm
    Jhonbpm Member Posts: 16 Newcomer
    edited December 2023

    You can Use Snapshots to store the sequencer preset, and then you can create a sequentcer to call snapshots :)

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    True. However, if you have multiple patterns available in a single snapshot, then it's easier to manage 'songs', one snapshot can have all the patterns for a particular patch/project/song. Also means there are no pesky initialisations which can cause subtle problems that are difficult to debug.

    DAW integration may also be better. Multiple patterns built into the structure will mean snapshots can be avoided altogether, removing some of the long standing issues related to project migration and the like... or something...

    Most of the work would be the interface anyway, allowing multiple patterns 'should' just mean a larger table/array, and updating the access code. The only problem would be with sequencers that use event tables for their display and interaction features, but those are pretty limiting, it's not much extra work setting up a custom interface with a Multi-picture/mouse-area combo. And then you have way more flexibility anyway, so why wouldn't you ;)

  • midiaxbill
    midiaxbill Member Posts: 10 Member

    Is it in the library?

    Does it use presets or save as the factory ones?

  • s0L4Rx
    s0L4Rx Member Posts: 5 Member

    No, not in the library yet. These are some of several sequencers I did in reaktor 4 about 20 years ago, mainly for live gigs. Still using them. I was thinking to upload some into the library. About the snapshots. You can control them by prog change theoretically, but here I used another idea. You can notice there is a small numerical window next to the play >> button, which has value 1, same as the snapshot number 1. It can be set by a cc, and it controls the snapshot. At the same time the snapshot saves its state (i.e. there is a 1-to-1 correspondence between the snapshot and that panel controller). You can open it as a VST plugin and change snapshots from an external sequencer. I also had another "scene sequencer", which would record into a table the states of all instruments including the snapshots of all sequencers and drummachines.

  • s0L4Rx
    s0L4Rx Member Posts: 5 Member

    Here is the "scene" sequencer:

    The table can write / restore the snapshots of other instruments or sequencers by receiving or sending cc changes, which then control each instrument's snapshot.

  • Jhonbpm
    Jhonbpm Member Posts: 16 Newcomer

    colB .. you can have 16 banks of 128 snapshots each :) i done this by modifying the Substanz ensemble

  • Jhonbpm
    Jhonbpm Member Posts: 16 Newcomer

    The big sequencer it for each channels and the small sequencer it for the snapshots.

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