Feedback - Komplete Kontrol 3.0



  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro


    "Victim shaming"? Really?

    Yes, you are inferring that for those that have little advantage in MK3 are unwilling to embrace change when they are merely wanting that change to be beneficial to them, when it patently isn't and they appear not to being coinsidered


    I happen to think that NI IS giving me what I've been asking for for all these years.

    Bully for you, now what about other people?

    Other people live less in fantasy land than you do, why not try to understand that rather than thinking what you 'think' (sic) is applicable to everybody?

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru

    I think that nothing can be all things to all people.

    Find what you like.

    If you don't like what's happening with the direction of KK, don't buy into it.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,888 Expert
    edited November 2023

    @nightjar, so you are so happy that you have all this time to spend on the forums telling everyone how wrong their opinions and preferences are and how “forward thinking and innovative this new stylish functional design that wins etc..?

    or whatever you keep saying…

    hey, great, you are happy with the direction, power to you and glad it works for you. Stop acting like people that don’t like this new direction are wrong and offending you somehow. If you don’t agree then Why not trot off and have fun and let us other users debate about how the software appears to be loosing features and function, since there are MANY others not happy and want to see AT a minimum, things added back that do NOT improve things, like sub banks for a start, and ability to browse presets while viewing the plug-in. These are not outrageous requests, you are boarderline spamming these boards with your opinions now. Go play with your new keyboard.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro
    edited November 2023


    @nightjar, so you are so happy that you have all this time to spend on the forums telling everyone how wrong their opinions and preferences are and how “forward thinking and innovative this new stylish functional design that wins etc..?

    The most ridiculous thing is if you question him on his perception of what is and what may be, he can't answer, it's all fantasy land basically, but it is intensely annoying.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru

    I have not been saying alternate opinions and preferences are wrong.

    I have said that some of these alternate opinions and preferences are inherently incongruent to the new direction of KK.

    A very different thing,

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro


    I have not been saying alternate opinions and preferences are wrong.

    I have said that some of these alternate opinions and preferences are inherently incongruent to the new direction of KK.

    A very different thing

    You show zero understanding of why people are upset with things, which is ignorant and arrogant beyond belief.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,322 Guru

    Why state the obvious?

    Understanding why and how people are upset with things that interrupt their workflow and/or hopes for the future is a given. Nothing mysterious about such feelings, I am often upset and disappointed in things that happen, and will share compassion to others that are suffering circumstances.

    But come on....

    Are some people here really in need of some sort of ongoing condolences that things aren't going the way they want?

    We're talking about keyboard controllers.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro


    Understanding why and how people are upset with things that interrupt their workflow and/or hopes for the future is a given

    Certainly not by you, it isn't

    Sorry, but there's no point in trying to converse with you because your ignorance is off the scale............

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,408 Expert

    Thank you to both sides. Now I remember why I decided to stop helping in this forum.

    The main reason being “A attacks B, B attacks A”. But of course only in the case the subject is affecting them. Otherwise, they simply don’t give a f about others’ problems

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,776 mod

    That, is unfair.

    Personally, I will feed you if you are hungry and take you in my house if you are outside in the cold, and not many people will do such thing!

    But, about music production (and few other things) i want to help only those who are able to create! For the rest i don't care. Why? To have even more "DJs" and "producers" to ****** the concept of ART we call music for their fun? NO WAY as far as i can!

    Our civilization is on a huge decay and one of the reasons is that everyone thinks that can do anything without even care to get real knowledge first! When i started to make music i spend first, years on reading and experiment! For 17 years i never asked a single thing, anyone, even if i had known producers near me. I only had my eyes and ears widely open and my mouth hermetically closed.

    This is the way of the Art.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,776 mod
    edited November 2023

    That, is unfair.

    Personally, I will feed you if you are hungry and take you in my house if you are outside in the cold, and not many people will do such thing!

    But, about music production (and few other things) i want to help only those who are able to create! For the rest i don't care. Why? To have even more "DJs" and "producers" to further destroy the concept of ART we call music for their fun? NO WAY as far as i can!

    Our civilization is on a huge decay and one of the reasons is that everyone thinks that can do anything without even care to get real knowledge first! When i started to make music i spend first, years on reading and experiment! For 17 years i never asked a single thing, anyone, even if i had known producers near me. I only had my eyes and ears widely open and my mouth hermetically closed.

    This is the way of the Art. 🙏

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 424 Pro
    edited November 2023


    You are really destroying this conversation with nonsense and you are very offensive to another member, who has a respectful contribution history on this forum.

    This member has a history of being completely myopic when discussing anything and being completely unable to understand anyone elses point of view

    So STOP this "his fantasy land" nonsense or i will have to report you! Your writing "style" is really annoying and even if you are referring to another person, i can not tolerate your ironic ignorance. So, behave, or go play somewhere else, either way your contribution to this thread is a big ZERO. 😡

    Kinda amusing that you should call out my 'writing style' when you're so keen on attempting to patronize.

    The fantasy land isn't nonsense at all. If you look back through his posts when queried about his understanding of things, he either can't answer or has based his suppositions on an imagined 'future'.

    I'm not sure that I understand what ironic ignorance is, so you'll have to elucidate on that.

    I would also have thought that my mentioning problems with the last two releases of KK should be helpful.

    Note 1: Music production is not a "Kumbaya" or some kind of "brotherhood". Pioneers and explorers moving fast forward, the rest stay behind. It is natural, it is evolution, it is the real thing! Evolution can not (and will not!) stop just because in your computer a plugin scan takes 3 hours (seriously? last time a scan took 3 hours was in Windows 98, 25 years ago!). So clearly you are not able not even to configure your computer setting correctly! Yet you call others ignorant, even arrogant! When the only arrogant here is you! And you expect what? All the rest of us to wait for you to figure it out?

    Yes it took 3 hours and no I am not on Windows 98. No one is trying to stop evolution, but if you peruse the various forms you will see a whole heap of issues brought up by the rewriting of various NI products. The fact

    that Headfirstonly hasn't been able to roll back to a usable version is hugely distressing to him and shouldn't occur. Throwing the baby out with the bath water isn't the most efficient way to 'evolve'

    Note 2: Personally, i am willing to sacrifice 20 well worked projects and delete 30 paid plugins, just for the excitement of testing the new! And this is a thread about Komplete Kontrol 3, not about earlier versions, so, why you all don't make another thread about how good was the old version and leave us in peace here? No offense to anyone, but I got really tired of reading about people going back to 2.9.6 version! 1/3 of the comments is about that, and not about the version 3!

    And that is fine for you, but there are other people in the universe, and they have perfectly valid views and experiences. Why if they don't concur with your own, you should think they are not valid is rather suspect..........

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    It can't be that deep a rewrite if it is inheriting bugs, like graphics bugs in Live on Windows, from the previous version. It's obvious that you like it but there were many important feature requests that were just ignored and instead we get things no one asked for (except possibly yourself) such as this switching between plugin and browser view that I said right from the start would impact on use of samples and it has. I too like the new openness from NI about where this is going and hope they will address those outstanding user requests but it was not a good start and I can understand people being frustrated that the most important usability features like being able to actually edit NKS properly were not just ignored but treated as less important.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited November 2023

    To be fair I did like the fact that you could expand the list using the vertical bar but the more I think about it I think Jester is right, it makes the most sense, given screens are wider horizontally, to have a layout with the browser to the left of the plugin in a narrow vertical strip than have it hogging space on the bottom of the window that is needed to see the plugin as large as possible

This discussion has been closed.
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