Native Access stuck on "Starting" for every download.



  • seq_star
    seq_star Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited October 2023

    ^^ There's 2 of us trying desperately to update Analog Dreams (not very dreamy right now).

    My setup is Sonoma and NA 3.7 as well - and that "Full Disk Access" business hasn't solved anything.

    I've submitted an official support ticket and NI are pretty good with these ... I'll make sure to post back here if and when I make progress with them.

  • stephen lewis
    stephen lewis Member Posts: 4 Member

    good day

    experiencing the same issue, updated the native instruments portal and have 2 updates to install for massive x and the free orchestra 2 - I have since restarted the Mac (apple M1 Pro, 32 gb memory OS Sonoma 14.0 - this is annoying as one assumes we will get past the 'starting...' phase but its not.

  • seq_star
    seq_star Member Posts: 3 Member

    I got a reply from NI Support. Basically, at present, 14.0, Sonoma is not supported by NI and they are working to get it supported. I guess this often happens with a new OS so there's no point complaining. In the meantime they provided me with links to the plugins I was particularly wanting (Session Bassist in my case).

    So the solution is to open a ticket with them and they will give you regular download links for whatever you specifically need. Session Bassist will do for me for now, it looks comprehensive enough to keep me busy for a good while.

  • LudoCar
    LudoCar Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Well, I guess it depends on product. I was stuck like you, use Sonoma on M1 Pro, granted full access to the daemon and Native Access, restarted my MacBook and the 2 products updated fine.

  • djsteve
    djsteve Member Posts: 1 Member

    Same issue here. M1 MacBook Pro, 3.7.0 Native Access, refuses to download latest update to TRAKTOR PRO 3. Shows "queued" and "starting" forever. How absolutely frustrating that I cannot get the software update I need simply because I must use a buggy dedicated downloader.

  • dernovan
    dernovan Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Same page. Nothing downloads, just a full queue of updates stuck at "starting" or "Calculating time remaining".

  • Ed M
    Ed M Member Posts: 151 Advisor
    Answer ✓

    I opened a ticket for exactly this problem 2 weeks ago. At least it is good to see I am not the only one with this problem.

    The problem wasn't solved, but I received a few direct download links, as workaround. End of the day, the answer was that Sonoma wasn't officially supported yet, so no further support could be given.

    Fingers crossed for a rapid NA update, and with support for Sonoma.

  • dernovan
    dernovan Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Yeah hate to say it but it sounds like it's just gonna be a waiting game for a little while:/

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @LordRanekith It's not to do with the chipset but with Sonoma, not yet officially supported and there is a few issues with Native Access, so please get in touch with my colleagues, mention which products you need to install and they should send you alternative links:

  • Ed M
    Ed M Member Posts: 151 Advisor


    This problem remains since mid-October.

    Any updates on the progress please? I am asking because it has been taking a rather long time, and it does seem to affect several users.

  • dernovan
    dernovan Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    edited November 2023

    Just downloaded another update for Native Access and it still doesn't work for me either.

  • Alex66
    Alex66 Member Posts: 4 Member

    Same problem for me.

    Macbook Pro M1 Pro with Sonoma 14.1.1.

    Native Access  v. 3.7.0 (b128381 /

    I cannot update plugins, the process got stuck after starting with 'Starting....' or 'Calculate Time remaining' message.

    Please Native Instruments, do something to fix this issue, thank you!

  • mattc_nl
    mattc_nl Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Today I bought my first piece of hardware, a Maschine MK3. Sat down to install the software and try it out and... nothing. Just Native Access sitting there with "starting" at the bottom, and nothing downloading.

    €400 paperweight while I wait for support to mail me a link. Amazing out of the box experience. 10/10.

    M1 Mac, Sonoma 14.1.1

  • Ben v.K.
    Ben v.K. Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same problem here. Stuck on "Starting..." for infinity. I was excited to try Maschine Mikro MK3 and so far wasted hours of trying to get it set up. Please help!

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @mattc_nl I see my colleagues got back to you already.

    @Ben v.K. My colleagues will get back to you soon.

This discussion has been closed.
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