Feedback - Komplete Kontrol 3.0



  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru

    Just that I've never seen KK/Maschine in NI's beta programs. I'm always happy to help and give feedback.

  • igesoid
    igesoid Member Posts: 7 Newcomer


    Hi, I have tested KK3 with S1 6.5 and it is running pretty good. I have switched from Cubase to Reaper about a year ago because Cubase needs so long for the damned VST3 scan (of already scanned and not changed plugins) and had some cycle playback issues, that makes some plugins unusable. I mean THEY have invented VST and are the MIDI gods, but they didn't get that fixed in years. Reaper is up within seconds and stable ... until KK3 comes out ... I hope over time there will be a fix. But maybe S1 is an alternative.

    @Martin_NI :

    I found out, that KK3 is running stable in Reaper when loading FM8 instead of a Kontakt Library.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,888 Expert

    Any chance we may see Banks fixed? Hopefully this is not something that is being phased out that sub banks cannot be selected?

    Also, will there be any consideration to have the browser available to be opened along with the plugin like it use to be?

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 1,622 mod

    The Cubase rescan isn't something I've seen, at least unless I've changed something. Was that on C12? I just wish they'd add progress to the VST3 scan so you can see it's actually doing something. I keep mentioning it to them on every product cycle but it never gets fixed.

    -- Mike

  • igesoid
    igesoid Member Posts: 7 Newcomer


    Yes, C12, 11, 10 ... ;)

    But I don't mean the Scan wehn something new is installed orchanged, but the "light"-scan on every startup. Its geting a bit better, but about a year ago, it just hangs there and never starts up untill I killed the vst3 scan in the Taskmanager.

    And yes, its a shame, that the never show, whats going in, but alwas say we should deactivate the responsible plungin ... ok ... which one oth the 1200 vst3 plugins should I start with? OMG!

    And the best part is, that Steinberg is the maker of VST standard ... LOL.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 1,622 mod

    You can find which VST3 is hanging by looking at the command line of the scan application in Task Manager. Not ideal, but until Steinberg get around to showing what's being scanned like everyone else it's the only way to check.

    -- Mike

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 942 Guru

    Just an FYI for you...Cubase 13 is out now for a couple of weeks. There seem to be a lot of quality of life changes and revamps. Chords and mixer are two of the biggest areas that got changed. And the upgrade, at least for C12 owners, is cheaper than it has been in the past. Steinberg dot net for anybody interested.

  • igesoid
    igesoid Member Posts: 7 Newcomer


    Yes, I know ... did that from 10 to 11 to 12 ... will now wait for the trial version that will come in the next weeks. If it solves my problems I will proove myself again - maybe ;)

  • Psalmster
    Psalmster Member Posts: 12 Member

    I have read some of the pages here and see primarily 3 things:

    • KK v.3 has gone backwards on eliminating many features KK v.2 users depended upon; and made some backwards UI decisions, making the workflow worse. Also, VST2 is gone for the moment.
    • NI has come up with 2 bugfixes already and is working to restore features from v.2 into v.3. Much appreciated!
    • For people (like me) who don't have time to futz around or beta test, going back to 2.96 is perhaps a recommended option.

    Here's my question. What does v.3 bring to the table for those of us on Mk2 keyboards?

    While we wait for the deprecated feature set to repopulate (3.1? 3.5?), what immediate features are improved for Mk2 keyboard users?

    Thanks, Craig

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 942 Guru

    Hi Craig!

    I can answer some of your questions. Others may have different opinions than I, and that's cool.

    KK v.3 has gone backwards on eliminating many features KK v.2 users depended upon; and made some backwards UI decisions, making the workflow worse. Also, VST2 is gone for the moment.

    KK V3.x has (at this writing) gone backwards on a bunch of things. If you are doing production work, you probably should stay on version 2.9.6, and just wait. If you are a gigging musician, you should NOT be careless about jumping too quickly to 3.x.

    NI has come up with 2 bugfixes already and is working to restore features from v.2 into v.3. Much appreciated!

    Yes, this is correct. NI has not given any time-expectancies, so patience is the word of the day.

    For people (like me) who don't have time to futz around or beta test, going back to 2.96 is perhaps a recommended option.

    100%, yes yes yes. But I caution you not to use the term "beta test" in any way that could be taken as derogatory. The beta team (which I am not part of) is a hard-working group of people. This launch of V3 was yes, a misfire...a mistake; and that may be a generous characterization. Let's don't make it worse by calling what's happening right now "beta testing".

    Here's my question. What does v.3 bring to the table for those of us on Mk2 keyboards?

    While we wait for the deprecated feature set to repopulate (3.1? 3.5?), what immediate features are improved for Mk2 keyboard users?

    Look, I'm going to make this as simple as possible for you and for anybody else who may come along and read this. You are in a road construction zone. The speed limit is "slow crawl" and the conditions are "unpaved road with dusty gravel surface, with large potholes and unexpected sinkholes possible. Caution, heavy trucks entering and leaving the road without warning."

    The TLDR is this: If you still have a workable MK2 controller, or even just a workable MK1 controller, and you are doing production work with deliverables and due-dates, then just keep using the old controller and stay on 2.9.6 until the dust clears and we get a paved road.

    For somebody like me, 3.x is fine. But right now, all I'm doing is practicing some piano, looking for sounds, and just generally goofing off with the buttons, knobs, and the KK app interface. If it locks up or crashes on me, I've lost nothing...not even time (because I'm goofing off!). If I decide to work on a song with the intent of getting it DONE, then I'll consider rolling back to 2.9.6, and swapping my old MK1 back into service.

    I hope that helps you!

  • Punktronica
    Punktronica Member Posts: 1 Member

    I'm always skeptical updating my komplete kontrol , because I did the UI regedit command fixes to make the screen bigger < which should just be a day 1 basic common sense option btw. I tried the new version right now. I like the stylized look of it , but it took away the flow and the way its setup that I'm use too. The older UI seems to be more practical and makes more common sense. I went back to the version 2.9. whatever. The main thing for me is I like having the Side list on the left on at the same as the plugin window is maximized. Not one or the other. Why would some one decide to change that and think its better? lol

  • pseudotim
    pseudotim Member Posts: 5 Member

    I downgraded to 2.9.6 a few weeks ago - primarily based on CPU consumption problems. I see the latest release supposedly addresses many of these issues. However, I am reluctant to go back to 3 (once bitten, twice shy). Do people feel the CPU/resource issues have been significantly improved?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
  • Chilled
    Chilled Member Posts: 26 Member

    The voice of Reason. We all owe JesterMgee a vote of thanks for all the incredible work he does to support NKS on Third Party apps. His insight into the issues currently plaguing KK3.* and MK3 are to the point.

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