Feedback - Komplete Kontrol 3.0



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    Yeah KK3 doesn't add VST2 by default but it can load them, so it would be necessary for new upgraders to manually add the VST2 path and scan those plugins into their database. If they are on Mac they also need to be in Rosetta mode for KK to see VST2 plugins (and the host does too if using the plugin version).

    As to a conversion tool - Komplete Kontrol does support plugin migration, which means in principle a project containing the VST2 version of something (such as a NKS preset made with the VST2 version) will load in the same VST3 version. This is actually part of the VST spec but it requires both the host and plugin to support it and not all do, it sounds like FL Studio is one of those that doesn't.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod
    edited November 2023

    KK2 and KK3 both support VST2 to VST3 migration.

    However, for the migration to work correctly, it requires plug-in manufacturers to have implemented VST2, VST3, and the migration mechanism correctly. All three of those things are often not the case. We try our best to help advise partners and others on such things, but we are ourselves also consumers of the VST SDK.

    I can't say this is 100% the case, but a majority of times where an issue in the migration has been reported, what transpires is that it's nothing to do with us, and to do with implementation on the plug-in side that we can only advise changes to.

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 268 Advisor
    edited November 2023

    IMHO tech changes should be progressive but not at the cost of taking away features that clearly most end users found useful or necessary for their workflow. Rather than take away what has been proven to work new features could and should have been added. I was on the point of upgrading my S61 MK2 for a MK3 but i'm very glad i held back, at least for now. I can only hope that KK will at some point be the product we all hoped it would be. In the mean time i'll stick with my MK2 and KK2

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited November 2023

    I've said many times I'm not happy with stuff taken away but I think I can understand how and why things panned out that way. The mistake is in thinking KK3 is just a revamped KK2 with a new GUI; it is not. It looks like it has been recreated using a new interface framework and with a lot of changes also 'under the hood', so it's not so much that things have been removed but more that they have yet to be added back (I hope that is not too subtle a distinction but I think it is an important one). Hopefully they will not just be added back but reappear in a much better form than they were before (thinking here of the NKS editor) - the point of the new framework that is now in place is it should enable bigger changes going forwards.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,888 Expert

    I think we all hope and pray for that however, hope and pray for change really has not gotten any of us anything with KK for 10 years so far. So many great ideas that should be pretty easy to implement, Even bugs that cripple things cannot be fixed in a 18 year time frame (some plugins still cannot be used as the GUI does not display) so forgive me when I say the level of hope personally is pretty low, I have a tiny bit of faith left but that really hinges on what happens in the next 6 months.

    I'd love to have more faith but without action it's going to fizzle out completely soon and I am not talking of just fixing the broken stuff and addressing bugs, i'm talking improvements that have been asked for for a decade on top of fixing what is now broken...., bringing back banks! allowing editing of things better with less reliance on the mouse, resizable GUI, none of this rubbish with having to switch screens between browser and plugin, less clicks are needed. What I would call the basics of functionality restored. I just feel it will be bug fixes and enhancements for 6 months and because all this initial discussion will die down, it will be back to programming by metrics and because 20,000 people aren't asking for it, won't get done.

  • laserbeak
    laserbeak Member Posts: 170 Helper

    I'm using the SE Percussion, when I press "Next" or "Previous" on the keyboard either Action Strings 2 or Middle East is loaded. What's that about?

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 942 Guru
    edited November 2023

    I never said what you think I said. For example, I never said that I would defend an employee for bad performance. But then, that is between the employee, his or her team (because the team is always affected when somebody isn't pulling his or her share), and managment.

    But I'm not going to go add a million more words to my already-too-long posts to pay some kind of fealty or penance to that EVERY TIME I give a fellow leader a compliment for doing the right thing. You can (and maybe should) give a fellow some grace on such a point. Or maybe ASK me without being assumptive or accusatory.

    So here goes: I'm sorry you were looking for that (and seemingly ONLY that) in my post, and I'm sorry it wasn't there. But still, I'm just not going to go to battle with you. It doesn't do either of us any good. I still think this stuff is going to get fixed.

    Could I be wrong? Oh sure. But I could also be right. Whatever; I'm not here to fight. I wish you a nice day.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,408 Expert
    edited November 2023

    A nice day to you too.

    Quite strange how saying someone’s opinion is “ignorance” doesn’t sound like looking for battle to you…but then answering to it suddenly becomes “assumptive or accusatory”…

    Maybe next time don’t write that something someone said reveal his ignorance. Or in an answer where I analyze many different points (NI not being anymore the same that abandoned things, the “start reducing staff” thing, how time is used,…) say that I was “looking only for that”, when “that” is mentioned only in one paragraph. It seems I’m not the one who read only one thing in someone else’s post.

    That way I won’t even have to answer. I LOVE different opinions than mine (they expand my field of view)…unless mine are called “ignorance” (maybe it’s something wrong with me, but I don’t like to be called names)

    Anyway…about all the other things (thinking things are going to be fixed and so on) I just hope you are right…or…I’m sure you are right, but it doesn’t change the fact that if they took a little more time to nail it immediately, they shouldn’t even need to be fixed and the future time could be used for something else…and more than that, users paying to buy a device will not be delivered with something incomplete and have to wait months (or years?) to have what they paid for

  • Headfirstonly
    Headfirstonly Member Posts: 14 Member

    It would appear that Native Access isn't handling the VST2 to VST3 migration particularly well. I'm getting a persistent "repair" flag, presumably because the VST2 has disappeared. And it still appears after installing Komplete Kontrol 3.0.2.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 942 Guru
    edited November 2023

    I was mostly responding to the part where you seemed (to me) to criticize me for not saying that I wouldn't defend an underperforming employee. It was the last paragraph in one of your posts, which i took with more emphasis than maybe you had intended.

    The way I took it was that you were looking for me to pay that penance every time I expressed support for another leader for defending his team. I'm still not going to do that every time, because it should go without saying that I, as a leader, would do the right thing and not defend an underperforming team member. I also would not dress-down any team member in front of others, and NOT EVEN if that team member was an underperformer. But I also shouldn't have to say THAT every time, either. Anyhow, that wasn't the issue anyway.

    But even so, I suppose we may have both misunderstood each other a bit. Apologies for my part in that.

  • Headfirstonly
    Headfirstonly Member Posts: 14 Member

    Running the standalone version 3.0.2: ScanApp is now spawning multiple "Cannot load protection component" messages, so something new has been broken, I guess...

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 942 Guru

    Hi. It may be that 3.0.2 does some things in parallel. I sure hope so, because single-threaded scanning takes too long already, especially for those of us with more than a hundred instruments and effects. Also, "Protection Component" is usually either a soft license key (stored on your computer) or a hardware-based key (like a USB key). Some older products may still use either the Steinberg Key or the Pace iLok key. Have you checked to see if you're getting one or more secondary windows open saying there's a problem finding a soft license or a USB key?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    That sounds more like a Steinberg elicenser issue - I had those before I was finally able to move to Steinberg licensing and get rid of the dongle. The problem is eLicenser requires Rosetta to run, if you are loading KK3 without Rosetta it may cause this sort of error.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,408 Expert

    Thank you for explaining.

    No need to apologize, you can compliment or defend whoever you want. Still, my suggestion remains, and it’s not about this matter, but more about calling somebody else opinion ignorance

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