Some plugins sounds are almost inaudible



  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru
    edited February 2023
  • Coquelicot
    Coquelicot Member Posts: 12 Member

    In Kontakt 7, I use a normal sound level playing on the virtual keynoard.

    But I can't play with the keyboard.

    If I start KK standalone, I can also play on the virtual keyboard, still can ear Noire very well.

    But playing on the S61 keyboard, the sound is inaudible.

    To ear Noire at the right level, I have to push the master level to the max, ie +36db. As I stated at the beginnin of this trhead, -36db is the level that appeared in Ableton Live. All this is consistent.

    So, once again, the problem is playing on the keyboard as it should be, without tricking levels that are not remanent.

    The problem is the same with Una Corda. Playing well on the virtual blue keyboard, inaudible playing on the S61. As you can see, selecting this instrument using the browser reset the Master Volume to 0, so changing this value is not reliable.

    I suppose that The Grandeur should not be a quiet piano. Playing at max velocity on S61 keyboard provides the max level you can see here.

    So the problem is not only with Noire ...

    Playing Session Strings on the blue keyboard deliver a loud sound.

    Playing on the S61 keyboard is far quieter.

    I think we can conclude that the integration of Kontak in Komplete Kontrol 3.8.1 is not working properly. Period.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,558 mod

    When you hit the blue keys at the bottom you get maximum velocity and minimum at the top of the key.

    So the issue seems to be the velocity of the keyboard. What velocity setting is chosen? Have you tried the linear one? Can you check the MIDI output of the keyboard? For that you need to close the Komplete Kontrol application or Kontakt or your DAW and follow these steps:

    How to Monitor the Input of a MIDI Controller

    If you hit the keys hard, do you get to 127? Do the velocity readings match how you hit the keys?

  • Coquelicot
    Coquelicot Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited February 2023

    First, the problems occurs only with Kontakt instruments, so unlikely that the device has a problem.

    In MIDI-OX, I can see 7A if I press hard, in which case the after touch starts also.

    I tried all kind of velocity, but here it's linear.

  • Gee_Flat
    Gee_Flat Member Posts: 906 Guru
    edited February 2023

    So I see the KK volume is default in your screen shot, but I don't know if it reflects the volume change on the S61.

    Have you tried Shift + rotating which ever knob controls volume when the Noire is open?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,558 mod

    @Coquelicot Well, not all plug-ins react to velocity in the same way, especially when they have a lot of samples like for the pianos to recreate all the nuances of the real thing. In your screenshot, values are not very high. 7A only means 122, are you able to reach 127 aka 7K?

  • Coquelicot
    Coquelicot Member Posts: 12 Member

    @Jeremy_NI Well, 122 out of 127 is 4%, it's really the border. I'm not going to play with a hammer, so the keyboard is reacting normally.

    I bought this keyboard to have sensitivity. If you're explaining me that to play a piano, I need to hammer it, I return the S61 immediatly ... Really, the problem is not there. Because even at 122, I can barely hear.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,558 mod

    Hey @Coquelicot This is getting too complex to be handled in the forum. I see that you have an open ticket already, I've transferred it to a specialist, forwarded all the info gathered here, he'll get in touch shortly.

  • Coquelicot
    Coquelicot Member Posts: 12 Member

    In fact, all the process here of going thru a standalone Kontakt or KK is misleading.

    Of course there is a bug as the Kontakt instrument should be audible when played from scratch without digging into volumes here or there. It's a software bug as the keyboard don't care what instrument is played, it just send midi infos.

    But when used inside Live or any DAW, each instrument is an instance of KK. And that instance with all its settings is saved inside the DAW. So boosting the level is a usable workaround as far as it offers enough dynamics to play with.

    So I hope that the coupling bug between Kontakt 7 and KK plugin will be fixed, but it is not stopping the ability to play in a DAW now.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,558 mod
    Answer ✓

    The fact that the sound is ok when you press the keys on the screen but is not when playing the physical keys of your keyboard indicates there is either an issue with Kontakt not interpreting velocity information correctly or an issue with the velocity reading of the keyboard itself. My colleagues will help you figuring out the source of the issue here.

  • oliverson
    oliverson Member Posts: 20 Member

    Did this issue get resolved because I'm experiencing the same thing - Noire and Gentleman are very quiet. Even hammering the keys it barely approaches the sound level of say 'Fixed Velocity' on my S61 Mk3 controller. In fact the sound of hitting the keys is actually louder than the sound produced from the sample!

    This really is unacceptable and altering the velocity on keyboard to soft 3, or whatever it's called still isn't effective, nor is it a solution because it applies to all other instruments.

    If I load up other software pianos, for example in Garageband or Logic Pro, the pianos are fine, impressive even. The sound level is in keeping with other instruments, YouTube videos, Spotify sound levels, etc, just as I'd expect.

    Starting to question my purchase if I'm honest, especially upgrading my bundle in order to get Noire.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 699 Guru
    edited January 2024

    I have K14 CE and those pianos installed. Both Noire and Gentleman are having very weak velocity response while playing on ANY controller (I’m using Novation). My guess is that’s how those libraries (and Alicia’s Keys) were programmed. They are quite old and back then such volume level was normal (before loudness wars). Nowadays, all plugins are much louder, so comparatively those pianos appear very quiet. It’s the same when one compares old Korg M1 plugin (for example) and Uhe Diva. Diva is so much louder. M1 has +6dB and +12dB boost in settings and at +12dB it sounds as loud as Diva (at least Korg tried to remedy the problem).

    IMHO, this is not a problem with controller or Kontakt/KK, this is another example of a NI libraries not updated for modern times.

    OP, Logic Pro has Gain plugin (other DAWs probably the same) so put it on a track with KK or Kontakt, no need to mess around with their (or controller) settings.

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