A Reaktor challenge of sorts



  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    I've been playing with my patch again... here's a recent version.

    One thing I really don't like with this type of generative patching is the randomness, so I'm going to try and reduce that, then probably shelve it - getting sick of the drippy ambient wash!

    Idea is to have some sort of programmed sequence in the right key, on some beats, and have probabilistic notes on other beats, that way there is at least some predictability and harmonic structure, but also it can go off on one to some degree... Not yet sure exactly how that will be achieved, but it will :)

    Alternative is to have all probabilistic, but have two clusters to select from. Roots fifths etc. on the strong beats, and in-between and avoid notes on the weak beats... or some such... Maybe sequencing the strong beat selection in some way... but that would be even more complicated to set up. maybe best left to a bespoke Block designed for the task.

    Anyhow, here's a rack. More cpu intensive, but should be ok for most. Runs at about 30% here at 44100. This one evolves a bit more over a minute or two. Can produce occasional nice moments, so worth a listen.

  • DFaught
    DFaught Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited February 2022

    Here is a small mod to the rack from @colB where a couple more oscs were added to the arpeggio sound to make simple chords. I didn't duplicate the filter variation parts of that sound - just wanted to hear how the chords turned out. Also turned down the delay feedback as I'm not a big fan of the pumping sound that sustained. The arpeggio chords are less impressive than I had hoped, but they are there.

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