Komplete Kontol 2.80 Breaks 3rd Party VST3 Plugins



  • Fal'Lynn Knivez
    Fal'Lynn Knivez Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    2.8 COMPLETELY broke my plugins. Load up my projects and get "Library is empty" message. Rescan takes forever as it scans all my plugins, but then they arent there, same message. Tried this in VST and Standalone modes, Nothin. Uninstalled, cleaned registry, reinstalled, nothin. No way to revert to older version, so until they fix whatever broke it, i guess i just don't get to use Komplete Kontrol.

  • Native_Robert
    Native_Robert Member Posts: 14 Member

    Thanks to everyone for their feedback. Ultimately, I can open Omnisphere in Komplete Kontrol as a VST3 with no problems. For Iris 2, I need to open it as a VST and it works as expected. If I select the VST3 version, it will crash. Probably an issue that iZotope won't fix.

    Anyway, it's not a blocker. Thanks again!

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,372 mod
    edited November 2022

    Yes it is, for the issue being discussed - it's just that this is clearly a different issue to the ones people are discussing here - Kontakt instruments are not plugins. I'd suggest asking on the Kontakt forum - Kontakt 7 is already supporting Apple Silicon so this must be something else (eg are you still on Kontakt 6?)

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @Fal'Lynn Knivez As all other people posting here are on Mac (M1), it seems your issue is different since you're on Windows, I'd suggest you create a dedicated post with your issue or contact our support.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    Just in case you missed it, The Omnisphere NKS library has just been updated to load using the VST3 version of the plugin. See the info about the update Here. Others will follow if there is a VST3 version available, if not it will be up to devs to make their plugins both VST3 and AS compatible, a task I know many just don't want to spend the time doing. It's not a simple switch to flick.

  • Native_Robert
    Native_Robert Member Posts: 14 Member

    Hey JesterMgee... Thank you for the feedback! I downloaded the latest Omnisphere and Iris 2 NKS libraries and now the VST3s work for both plugins. Awesome!!!

    One issue... If I open Iris 2 by double-clicking the icon, selecting an Iris 2 patch manually, or using the M32 Browser, everything is fine. But if I use the drop down arrow next to the Search hourglass and select "Instruments -> VST3 -> iZotope, Inc. -> iZotope Iris 2" KK will crash and I will get the iZotope crash screen. Strange. But works fine with Omnisphere. Probably an iZotope issue...

    Completely independent opinion: The Freelancesoundlabs libraries are fantastic! I look to see if there is a NKS library on the site before I buy a new plugin. Really happy. Waiting for the Korg Collection 3 VSTs to drop for Black Friday and I'll be hitting up the site for those libraries. Thanks for your great work and reasonable prices!

    Happy Thanksgiving :)


  • Native_Robert
    Native_Robert Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited November 2022

    Hey Jeremy_NI,

    I answered this question here: https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/comment/40766#Comment_40766

    Omnisphere VST3 works fine in all cases. Iris 2 VST3 works except when I use the drop down menu. I downloaded the latest NKS libraries from Freelance Soundlabs, so that may have been the solution.

    Thanks your your reply,


  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Yeah Omnisphere should be fine as I have tested that on a few machines and have reports from macM1 users it is all good.

    Iris I have not updated or tested and is still listed on the VST2 only list for my libraries. Until I get a chance to test/update assume it is VST2 only at the moment. In saying that tho, if you are selecting the plugin direct from the plugin list to load and it is crashing KK, that is a plugin/KK/OS issue and if you are on mac, that pretty sems pretty usual at the moment.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,372 mod

    Iris isn’t gong to be updated anymore by iZotope so I wouldn’t bother, there won’t be an Apple Silicon native version and it’s not particularly stable either

    iZotope really messed up with this great plugin

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    Yep, I suspect there will be quite a few plugins like this. VST3 is a pain to migrate plugins to from what some devs have said and then on top of that making sure they are also Apple Silicon is just an added pain so many will just cut their loss, this is why it sux to be an M1 user IMO, will be a lot of neat plugins that will be lost, even if there are VST3 versions.

    I'll still be updating the library since VST3 is not simply for the cool mac kids, eventually VST2 will begin to phase out and it makes sense now to migrate things to VST3 anyway, who knows maybe they will do a AS compatibility update one day.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,372 mod

    To be honest Iris 2 was dead before M1 was even heard of though - iZotope just neglected it and allowed it to die on the vine

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    Nothing is dead if it still works :) I guess it gets to be second nature to explain away all the stuff that Apple forces users to leave behind in the name of progression. If it doesn't work on the latest mac release, can't have been worth it anyway. Will be the same for all those Air Music synths too, some of them are still decent but guarantee new versions will drop that mac users will have to pay for again.

  • hsteph
    hsteph Member Posts: 13 Member

    Hi NI team,

    I have the same problem. I can't open projects containing IRIS 2 anymore. Maschine 2.16.0 R29 (crashes immediately).

    I'm on Windows 10. Where can I download Maschine 2.15 ?

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,372 mod

    It's not the same problem - you are not on Mac

    If you are having problems with Iris 2 it's probably because iZotope stopped supporting it

  • fluffy
    fluffy Member Posts: 60 Helper

    Is there a way to get Logic to always run the Intel version of a plugin? If I could force Komplete Kontrol to load through the Intel plugin bridge I'd be happy, but I'd rather not run all of Logic through Rosetta.

    Otherwise I'd have to find some way of downgrading the AudioUnit to 2.7.2 instead, which is also not ideal (but a better temporary fix than being stuck with Intel emulation for everything).

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