User library issues

antuan Member Posts: 3 Member

Hi friends

I recently started with Maschine MK3. Everything was ok (its a really cool machine) but a few days ago I performed a hard drive partition and I moved my user's libraries (with hundred of sounds) to this new site.

Now, when I open the Maschine software and try to select a new ubication for the samples in the preferences menu (D instead of C), the software collapses.

I tried to reinstall Maschine several times, move back the samples to its initial site, with no success.

I think Maschine MK3 is going crazy trying to find where the samples are, but the software doesn't allow me to provide new information.

Any advice?

Thanks and regards


  • Tony Jones
    Tony Jones Member Posts: 261 Pro

    Did you relocate in Native Access?

  • antuan
    antuan Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hi, Tony.

    No, i didn't relocated in Native Access because i'm having issues with samples audio files from other companies and therefore are not included in Native Access softwware.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,533 mod

    @antuan Please try resetting the database for Maschine as explained here: MASCHINE Crashes

    Does it crash in the same way then?

  • antuan
    antuan Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hi, Jeremy. I just tried the different solution but no success... Any other suggestion?

    I would like to show you my screen...The screen turns into black when I try to enter in Preferences / Library

    Thks and regds

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