Beatport streaming isn't very useful when all the metadata is wrong

0x15e Member Posts: 2 Member

First thing, yeah, I know this is mostly on Beatport for having bad data. At the end of the day, this is going to hurt them more than NI because it's their subscription I'm going to cancel. They're going to hear from me too.

I have a gig with a long set coming up and haven't really kept up with things in a few years so I thought I'd try out Beatport streaming and ... all their BPM metadata is wrong.

I can't analyze tracks unless I put them in the offline locker and manually load each one into a deck. There's no use trying to stream any of it because I'd have to manually beatgrid everything just to try it out. When I load a track to stream, Traktor doesn't seem to do any analysis other than the stripe/transients/gain stuff and there doesn't seem to be a way to force it.

I can imagine that this is partially due to restrictions put in place by rights holders but at the same time, I think Traktor could probably handle things better.

I can completely understand initially displaying BP's bad data in the browser but once the track loads, shouldn't the BPM and grid be analyzed and corrected? And is there any reason why we shouldn't be able to batch analyze tracks in the offline locker instead of having to do it when they load the first time?

This is a feature I'd really like to get behind. After all, commercial DJs have been subscribing to music services since DJs have existed. Unfortunately, it's a complete non-starter if the music service's bad data can't be easily worked around.

Is there any chance for improvement here?



  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 692 Guru

    Try changing your bpm range in preferences for more accurate analysis.

    The key is sometimes different, but usually still fine for matching up.

    In preferences you also need to enable "analyze track when loading into deck". I noticed a lot of people have wondered how to analyze streaming tracks. I made a request that they auto analyze streaming tracks to avoid confusion.

    To use Autogain you need to load the track twice, once for analysis, again for gain correction.

    The reason you can't batch analyze is because the tracks have not been downloaded yet. I believe the tracks in the offline locker still have to be downloaded first, once they are all downloaded they should load up and be added to your collection.

    The only issue I have with streaming is the Autogain that I sometimes forget. Otherwise the tracks all load and analyze instantly.

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