Komplete Kontrol - Accessibility Improvements Wishlist (new)

Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod
edited October 22 in Komplete Kontrol

Hi all!

If you actively use, or have an interest in using any of the accessibility features offered by Komplete Kontrol, this thread is the place to share your feedback.

We are interested in a continue dialogue including constructive criticism (what isn't working) and aspirational feature requests (would be great if a capability was added).

The old forum had a similar discussion thread:

We are not abandoning any requests made there and as yet unaddressed! Simply, we wanted a new home on the updated forum for the discussion to continue.

Best Wishes,

Matt Hines

(Product Manager for Komplete Kontrol among other things)



  • overlord25
    overlord25 Member Posts: 20 Member

    Thanks very much for setting up and continuing this thread Matt :)

  • Jim Homme
    Jim Homme Member Posts: 16 Member

    Hi Matt,

    This is wonderful. Would it be too much to ask for an overview of current accessibility improvements in the works, partly to avoid clogging up the forum with repeated material? Thanks.

  • Jim Homme
    Jim Homme Member Posts: 16 Member


    My apologies. I'm unsure how to start a new thread.

    I have an A61 keyboard. When I touch the tops of the nobs that change parameters, the voice speaks the parameter name, but not the parameter value. Would it be possible to change the software so that the voice also says the value? This way, the user would not need to turn the nobs to hear values, then guess where the nobs were to put them back the way they were. Thanks.

  • Percivale
    Percivale Member Posts: 220 Pro
    edited September 2022

    Add those smart features like SCALEs, ARPs and CHORDs to control external gear directly from KK.

  • Sacred sounds
    Sacred sounds Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Thank you for your on going efforts in making your products accessible for the Blind music community. I for one am very thankful for the work you’re doing.

    I really wish that I could access the drum patterns in all of the Abby Road series and also Studio Drummer. I was very disappointed that Cession Strings pro 2 did not have more accessibility than version 1. In Fact, there was less accessibility. It would be nice if there were more parameters available to us in all of the cession guitar products. I really wish I had more access especially in Pict acoustic and Pict Nylon. Can you please find a way to make these parameters available to us?

    This is the reason why Noir is my go to piano for almost all of my productions. I really love the fact that I can edit my patch down to the finest detail.

    It would be great if all your products had the same level of accessibility that Noir has. This is my hope for NI as I very rarely use any other products from other manufactures.

    Love and blessings.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod

    Interesting! So, add a MIDI out functionality from KK? I could see why that's useful!

    While we're on the subject, any improvements to the capabilities within the SCALE, ARP and CHORD features?

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod

    Certainly worth looking into.

    Are you asking for a better accessibility implementation within those instruments, or within the NKS mapping when hosted inside Komplete Kontrol? Both would also be a valid answer! I'm asking in order to appropriately direct the request internally. Thanks!

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,286 mod
  • Jim Homme
    Jim Homme Member Posts: 16 Member


    Comments about Massive and MassiveX.

    It would be so wonderful if the interfaces to these applications were accessible. This goes for all your applications.

    Regarding the NKS mappings, though, here are a couple wish list items. They apply both to Massive and MassiveX. In many, many cases, when attempting to tweek parameters, the voice will say something like "Nob 1" or "Macro 1." Neither of these messages translate to something meaningful, so the user doesn't know the name of the setting they are changing. In Massive, you can see this if you bring up any sound and go to the Oscilators page. Unfortunately I don't have my keyboard in front of me as I write this, but these messages are to the right of Nob 1 on my A61.

    And finally, just the ability to really get in there and not be forced to the limitation of the NKS interface and be able to get in there and really design and tweek sounds from the standalone applications and set up our own NKS mappings would be an absolute game changer as revolutional as what we have now, for which I am so grateful.

    Thank you for considering.

  • Jim Homme
    Jim Homme Member Posts: 16 Member


    Comments about Scarbee JBass PreBass MMBase, and the ampped versions. The first page on the left of the parameters speak meaningful messages. All the pages I have investigated to the right have nobs that say messages such as #001, #002, etc. It's possible that these pages should not be assigned or that they have parameters, but the messages don't say what they are.

  • jakx92
    jakx92 Member Posts: 32 Member

    Let me start by saying I love my KK keyboard, and the whole system. However, I still don't feel like I actually have complete controll over it yet. In general, I wish the software side was more accessible via screen reader, but specifically I wish I could make my own Kontakt instruments and Battery kits. I realize this would be quite a challenge to implement, but this is a wish list. So yeah, that's what I wish for. I know with Kontakt there's a lot of UI design stuff that goes in to creating an instrument, but I don't know maybe there could be some kind of basic UI template that you could load samples in to. I'd like to make my own Battery kits as well, and have access to the parameters in the Battery kits I already have.

  • jakx92
    jakx92 Member Posts: 32 Member

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot, please please please please fix that bug where the keyboard just keeps rattling on even when you're not touching the knobs. It drives me nuts, and I know it's a recent bug because it wasn't doing that when I first bought it.

  • Home Studio
    Home Studio Member Posts: 71 Member

    Make Komplete Kontrol Standalone windows to "Maximised" Please...

  • Oscar Morante
    Oscar Morante Member Posts: 71 Helper

    I'm not sure if this counts as accessibility but it would be nice to have a way to jump quickly to specific parameter pages.

This discussion has been closed.
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