Finding time to create /make music



  • Leamucho
    Leamucho Member Posts: 6 Member

    Lots of insights to the topic, thank you very much!!

    But overall, the last part, being in love with the idea of doing it, rather than with the real process, that's really hard to unravel... I believe it means you must drop out of it all, and that's scary as hell for me...

    I've found that pre-concepts about the structures or maybe the function or use for a piece of music, maybe even its genre can be prejudicial for a sane and fun way of doing things... but it isn't something you can just surpass with a pill or something straightforward, because it is in our minds... maybe taking up coaching sessions can be a way...

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,943 Expert

    regarding "I can add that you need to have an idea, a vision of what you want to do specifically.

    I think this goes to prove that the creative process is a unique, individual process."

    "I have no idea whatsoever what I want when I start!

    I have always been slightly disturbed when hearing that you have to have a vision - it's simply not true - music isn't a confining art like building a house...

    Probably taking that comment a bit too literal.

    "Music" is subjective. While someone may easily find they can sit down, make 2 hours of noise recorded to tape and enjoy listening back to it, someone else may not enjoy the result as much.

    Same as building a house. If you were to start knocking a house together one day without any planning or pre-conceived ideas you could still make something habitable but it would unlikely meet building codes and you would probably be constantly adding/fixing/changing things as you go and possibly never really finish it properly as you have to fix and change things along the way or simply decide to start building a shed as you got bored of building the stupid house for months on end.

    If you instead come up with the idea for your house then sit and spend time planning things out, maybe enlist some others to get some professional input, set the hours you will work on it, break it down into manageable tasks and have an end goal it is likely it will turn out a little more "to code".

    It's always a good idea to have some forward vision to work towards. Not something you "Must" have all the time and of course just the art of going in unplanned can yield some unexpected results however almost all professional bands and groups that release music for income have things planned out and a vision of some kind in addition to their creative sessions, that's why they are out there and not in their bedrooms still.

    But overall, the last part, being in love with the idea of doing it, rather than with the real process, that's really hard to unravel... I believe it means you must drop out of it all, and that's scary as hell for me...

    Well it depends what your aim is I guess. There is nothing at all that says just because you are not good at something and will never make it an actual profession that you must give it up. If you enjoy it and accept it's just a hobby for a little fun, approach it that way and as the previous dude said, just muck around and make some noise from time to time and you can come up with many ideas.

    However you probably need to lower the expectations that you will finish many projects this way, if any at all, because while ideas are easy to come up with and often the fun part, making that into a structured and fleshed out idea requires some vision and planning and often that is where the "fun" aspect starts to fizzle and you get bored or lose interest and what you end up with is dozens of hour long jam session, hundreds of cool beats and ideas, a heap of projects "in progress" and possibly a couple that are "finished" but need a little something more. If that sounds familiar then you possibly have more interest in the fun side than the overall process and without some changes in approach don't expect that to really change.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 3,946 mod

    I also want to add to the "have an idea or not, before start" - in my case i mostly also have no idea, i just start a beat or tweaking a synth and see, where does it get me, just a feeling thing. But sometimes I have a sound or beat in my head and start from there, or i just switch through my unfinished songs and if i hear something I will work with that.

  • Soutilé
    Soutilé Member Posts: 20 Member

    It does seem to me, through all these generous answers,that, I'LL HAVE TO CREATE/MAKE MY OWN TIME.


  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,015 Guru

    I basically do my homework in half an hour, piano practice session that lasts 3 hours at least.

    Then I compose and experiment with sounds during school when we have free time to do whatever we want in our class.

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