Purged samples aren't loading when pressing keys



  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod
    edited July 2022

    Missing samples would show up as purple, not brown/orange in the Mapping Editor. It's not missing samples. There's definitely something weird happening over here, but I'm not entirely sure what could it be.

    There's one thing that might try and kick things into perspective. Could try using this script to force unpurging of ALL groups:

    on init
        declare $i
        declare ui_button $Unpurge
    end on
    on ui_control ($Unpurge)
        $i := 0
        while ($i < $NUM_GROUPS)
            purge_group($i, 0)
        end while
        $Unpurge := 0
    end on

    However you need an empty script slot for that. For Spitfire instruments this might not work since they tend to use most, if not all script slots. So the procedure is like this:

    1. Open instrument edit mode, go to Script Editor
    2. Visit script slots 2-5 and bypass them all
    3. Go to script slot 1 and save it as a preset (give it a meaningful name, like "library patch name script 1" etc.
    4. Load an empty script preset now
    5. Paste my script into the script edit area
    6. Press Apply
    7. Click the button!

    Does everything load then?

    After this is done you can unbypass script slots 2-5 and load back the script 1 preset you've just saved. You can also save my script as a preset so that it's quicker to load.

    Hope this helps at least somewhat. I know it's tedious, sorry - but fingers crossed we'll get some clarity after you try this on a few patches.

  • BComposer
    BComposer Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited July 2022

    Thanks EvilDragon!

    I followed your steps exactly, but I'm getting an error with the script, and I don't know enough about scripting to know how to fix it.

    I did come up with a temporary solution late last night. I had an old 2010 Mac Pro sitting unplugged in my machine room, so I put 128 GB of ram into it, and created a smaller VEPro template that only uses about 3/4 of the instruments of the full VEPro template that runs on the Windows. I'm testing that today in addition to continuing to try and fix the Windows machine before the week starts. Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it!

  • BComposer
    BComposer Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited July 2022

    I also found a thread on VI control, and it sounds like they were having almost the same issue and suspected an SSD failure.


    I’ve got new SSDs coming today so I’m going to try putting my the samples on them and repairing the locations in Native Access.

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod
    edited August 2022

    That's a typo there. Instead of 0_ just type 0. Not sure how you managed to get that underline there, it's not in the code I posted :)

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