Maschine plays all drums on channel 1 when assigned separately.

wilike Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

So, not understanding something.

After the updates to Maschine 2, when I send the sounds to Studio one V6/7 to their individual channels it used to separate every sound on it's own channel. Now when I separate all the drums play on channel 1 and everything else plays on their own channel. So when I mix the drums lets say 1 - 8 channels are used. Channel one will play all of the drums even though in Maschine I assigned the kick to route to channel one in Studio One by itself. So if channel one is playing all of the drum sounds then channel 2 will start the separation Ie: kick snare hh etc. Is this from something I routed wrong or is this just the new work flow for Maschine?

Thanks to anyone he can help me understand this issue. I Have been searching for the answer will no avail.

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