Long Load Time for Straight Ahead Samples Growlin' Sax Library in Kontakt 6.7.1

jeffn1 Member Posts: 21 Member
edited February 21 in Kontakt

My issue is loading time for the library Big Growlin' Sax by Straight Ahead Samples.

I have tried batch re-save several times. It seemed to work once, but then reverted to a long load time (over 2 minutes).

I checked my antivirus, which is off, but I still created an exception for that folder.

I can't seem to get the load time to something manageable.

I even tried creating use preset (and used purging to reduce the samples), but the load time continues to be an issue.

Any help or suggestions is appreciated.

I use it in two laptops. One is Windows 10 the other is Windows 11. Same issue. (NTFS format on all drives)

(PS: it seems like it is impossible to reach NI Support. Using Firefox and Micrsoft Edge, the tech support text window just continually loaded. So, I could never reach support.]



  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,020 Guru

    If I were you I'd contact support at Straight Ahead Samples to find out what the problem is since they're a third party vendor and their products may require certain considerations for configuring them.

  • jeffn1
    jeffn1 Member Posts: 21 Member
    edited February 21

    Yes, I did. The only suggestions they had were batch re-save and looking if antivirus was holding it up. (I have not heard reports of other people having the same issue.).

    Actually, the next thing I should try (if possible) is loading is while viewing the task manager. Maybe that will give me a clue what is going on.

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