New download issues with Claire Avant

mrwiz2rd9 Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
edited February 14 in Native Access

Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    edited February 14 Answer ✓

    Hey all, the issue should be resolved now, please refresh Native Access and the correct product should show and you should be able to download and install it. Sorry about that little glitch and thanks for your patience.



  • Andre Gauthier
    Andre Gauthier Member Posts: 3 Member

    I also have the same problem with the Claire upgrade! 😔

  • Mert_NI
    Mert_NI Customer Care Posts: 727 mod

    Hello guys, sorry for the issue.

    Can you please try the workaround below:

    In order to get NA to download the full installer we have to remove the affected products first.PC:

    1. Apply the following steps to the affected products: Fixing Software Update Installation Issues (Windows)
    2. Restart PC and open NA
    3. Install the product(s) from the available section
    4. NA should download and run the full installer of the latest available version now


    1. Navigate to the following location:  Macintosh HD > Library > Preferences >
    2. delete the following file of the affected product: com.native-instruments.product name.plist
    3. restart your computer and open NA
    4. Install the product(s) from the available section
    5. NA should download and run the full installer of the latest available version now

    And, please let us know what you are experiencing afterwards

    I hope this helps☺️

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,346 mod

    Same problem here but I do not see a .plist for the Claire Avant version - only for the original Claire - or do I delete that too?

  • mrwiz2rd9
    mrwiz2rd9 Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Are you trying to say that we have to uninstall Claire piano first before the Bundle will reinstall,

    If that's so why doesn't that say that when you purchased the product who would think of this.

  • Andre Gauthier
    Andre Gauthier Member Posts: 3 Member

    I went through the steps you mentioned. Although, you didn't say which installation we had to uninstall. I guessed it was Claire.
    I decided to uninstall it to see how it would react to installation.
    Well, it didn't do anything! Claire was still listed as "installed" , even after a restart of the PC.

    I then uninstalled Claire via Native Access.

    Nothing was showing under "Available" (!!)

    Now, I am downloading Claire - no problem - tried to download the Claire Extension, and I get the same error message.

  • mrwiz2rd9
    mrwiz2rd9 Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Yes, I get the same message.

  • emasters
    emasters Member Posts: 3 Member

    Same error here - installed original Claire is fine. Extension upgrade with the same error message others are getting. Also, the library itself is lacking a title in Native Access. Something seems like it's wrong with the library versus the other Native Access libraries. What could it be — no clue? But it clearly Claire extension isn't displayed like the other libraries and it's not possible to download the new Claire extension with the prior Claire product installed. Hopefully NI can figure this out and get a fix. It's clearly not related to plist files in the preferences folder (makes not difference deleting, rebooting, etc.). Hmmm….

  • mrwiz2rd9
    mrwiz2rd9 Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    I Just Uninstalled the Claire and tried to install the Extension and got the same issue

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,346 mod
    edited February 14

    Yeah it looks to me like the download servers were not ready for early buyers and we are stuck with an incomplete file - the tile in NA doesn't even have a name or any release information, it's just a placeholder

    Also there doesn't seem to be the usual xml file in the service centre folder for this or even the original Claire - that might be a factor

    This is where it would be helpful for NI to have alternative download links available

  • Danthesiser
    Danthesiser Member Posts: 26 Member

    I have the same problem. A nameless pair of entries in NA and an inability to download the files I just paid for. Hmph!

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod
    edited February 14

    Hey all, yes there seems there was an issue with the deployment of this library for some customers. It seems that restarting the computer and opening Native Access again works for some, please give this a try. Will update this thread as we get more info.

    No need to delete any plist file or xml file at the moment, especially not the regular/old "Claire", Claire Avant is a distinct different product.

    While waiting this issue is fixed, please reach out to support so they can provide an installer you can download separately when it's ready:

  • SpacemanTed
    SpacemanTed Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Well, that new Best Answer from Jeremy really isn't the best answer. From reading the other posts here, it mostly appears to affect upgrade bundles. Same issue here. I've had Claire since it came out, and now purchased the upgrade bundle and then the problems started. First, there was no hint of any Claire: Avant in my Native Access until 12 hours after purchase. Trying to install it now, it all goes exactly like the other folks described and posted screenshots of.

    I have tried the uninstall Claire, delete .plist file suggestions and always end up in the same spot. After uninstalling Claire, it re-installs fine without any issues by the way. Only trying to install Claire: Avant causes the issue. Just added another third-party library to Native Access, no problem there either. So it really is Claire:Avant and the question why it displays the error message re. the download location. That location works for everything else just fine.

    Maybe it works fine when you only buy the product and not the bundle, but re-starting Native Access is not the solution.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    I just high lighted the answer because it's what we know at the moment and I mentioned restarting the computer worked for some, that means not for everyone. it's not meant to be permanent, and not a solution. I'm actually going to update it right now.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,346 mod
    edited February 14

    Restart didn't work for me either. I think the download isn't ready for deployment and would not be surprised if this affects people who just buy Avant either - I can't see how it would just relate to the bundle

    Has anyone actually been able to install this yet?

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