Songs disappeared from playlists, but playlists remain

ZKF Member Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware


I recently had 99% of songs in my playlists disappear, but the playlists still exist and the songs are still intact in my collection (with beat grids and cue points locked as I had set them).

I have been rearranging my audio files on my laptop to new folders and consistently relocating files in Traktor, but one day I opened the software and all my playlists were almost empty.

Is there any way to recover my playlists? Unfortunately,, I don't have a backup.




Best Answer

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod
    Answer ✓

    This happened because you rearranged your audio files to new folders and there is nothing you can do about it, sorry. The playlists will be always there, until you delete them manually, but will stay empty, until you put new tracks on them.

    You could avoid this, if you first relocated your files (from within the playlists) and only after that, made a global "Check consistency". I'm afraid is too late now.... even if you had backups of the playlist they wouldn't work too (since they too have links to the old locations).

    However if you were prudent enough to export your playlists as files, you would be able to re-import them and relocate your files. If not, then you have to recreate your playlists from the beginning. 


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod
    Answer ✓

    This happened because you rearranged your audio files to new folders and there is nothing you can do about it, sorry. The playlists will be always there, until you delete them manually, but will stay empty, until you put new tracks on them.

    You could avoid this, if you first relocated your files (from within the playlists) and only after that, made a global "Check consistency". I'm afraid is too late now.... even if you had backups of the playlist they wouldn't work too (since they too have links to the old locations).

    However if you were prudent enough to export your playlists as files, you would be able to re-import them and relocate your files. If not, then you have to recreate your playlists from the beginning. 

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