Why isn't the Spotlight series more prominent on the website?

ShelLuser Member Posts: 270 Pro

Hi gang!

So I checked the main website today, just checking up with what's new & current, and spotted the "Top picks" section. I'm definitely in full agreement that Cremora Quartet, Electric Sunburst deluxe (🤘) and Session Horns pro have a place there.

But then I clicked "Show more" and omg… Ireland?! This immediately brought me back to the iconic Lord of the Dance performance, by Micheal Flatley. Gf & me are in a very excited mood atm (Superbowl Sunday!) and well, I immediately dug up and put on the show, awesome music.

What, you don't know what Lord of the Dance is about?

I'm a huge fan of the Spotlight series… also because it's real. If East Asia manages to make my gf emotional while she's playing then I'd say you're doing something right when it comes to being authentic. Then again, I'm probably biased in this case 😊

Even so… India, East Asia, Cuba, Middle East and also West Africa.. all amazing instruments which truly manage to capture the essence of the country and/or region. Not to mention, once again, Ireland (now on my wishlist) immediately reminded me of the awesomeness you see above.

But then… if you visit the NI website… you need to actually search for all this. Making me wonder… why isn't the Spotlight series much more prominent on the website?


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,096 Expert

    Probably simply because they have been released long time ago.

    Ireland is the most recent…and, as you state, you stumbled pon it “easier”

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