Live effects with Maschine MK3

Mighty Hammerhead
Mighty Hammerhead Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

I'm struggling with getting live effects for my guitar, Input 1L with Maschine Mk3. Here's the rub, I've been doing it for some time successfully, however I'm working with a friend on a project, and for some reason I cannot get it to work on his file. There is a setting somewhere that is different, and i can't find it. To restate, I have been using live effects, and now there is no need to route the signal to another Pad that hosts the effect as Jeff Gibbons explains. I simply open a group, add an effect to the 1st pad (for example) and the rout the audio in to 1L, and Voila I have instant effects that I can hear while I'm playing Pictures 3&4). When I open my friends project(pictures 1&2, and I perform the same routine… it doesn't work? I can hear the effects in the distant background (faint), but they are not sounding like they should. Picture 1 & 2 shows the NOT working file. I've shown the effects, and the input routing, as well as the whole screen in hopes that somebody sees something I don't see. The second 2 pictures show a new project, with only the group A, and the effect (Genome and Raum). This WORKS… I play guitar and I hear the effects properly. Any help would be great.


Best Answer

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert
    Answer ✓

    In this case (no matter how it’s routed) it could really be only a matter of having selected the wrong input (being in one project the 1L and in the other the 1R)

    The addition to check routing is just because Maschine has that peculiarity: you chose the software inputs, not the audio interface ones. Therefore, depending how you set it up in the settings, you can also have the 1L Maschine software input having your audio interface’s right channel assigned to it. Or software’s 1 inputs receiving your interface 2 outputs ☺️

    In any case…yes…File/Settings/Audio and there you’ll find the routing’s settings (this is Maschine 2 software, but in 3 is not changed):


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert

    The only difference I see at first sight in the pictures is that Audio input is in 1 project 1Left and in the other 1Right.

    Have you even checked in Maschine audio routing what corresponds to 1L and 1R?

    Are you using the same Maschine software on the same computer just loading his project or you are on a different computer?

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,362 Expert
    edited February 7

    The "not working" one is set to left input, the "working" one set to right input. You say you're using the left input, yet the pics (according to your info) suggest you're using the right input.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,315 mod


    you have to enable monitoring, if I remember correctly it's under the record/edit audio tab somewhere.

  • Mighty Hammerhead
    Mighty Hammerhead Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Thank you, for your help! I am using the same computer for both files, and I just the the one project, and then close it and open the other file. Maschine 3 stays open the whole time. @LostInFoundation, it's a great question about routing, I'll confess I don't know about that. I'm guessing preferences/audio/routing… Technically I'm using mic in, since I have a hard time getting a strong enough signal without that input. it's great that you both caught that 🤔 I'm using the right input. By default I always select the left. I will have to look at that. And yes @Uwe303 i did double check that the monitor in on. I'm away from my computer at the moment but I will check the left VS. right input and see if that helps. I'll let you know, and thanks for the help... This is driving me 😵😵‍💫

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert
    Answer ✓

    In this case (no matter how it’s routed) it could really be only a matter of having selected the wrong input (being in one project the 1L and in the other the 1R)

    The addition to check routing is just because Maschine has that peculiarity: you chose the software inputs, not the audio interface ones. Therefore, depending how you set it up in the settings, you can also have the 1L Maschine software input having your audio interface’s right channel assigned to it. Or software’s 1 inputs receiving your interface 2 outputs ☺️

    In any case…yes…File/Settings/Audio and there you’ll find the routing’s settings (this is Maschine 2 software, but in 3 is not changed):

  • Mighty Hammerhead
    Mighty Hammerhead Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    @LostInFoundation 🤸✨, thank you for your help! I unfortunately had a long weekend and wasn't able to move this forward until today. We have solved this issue and I can now get back to making music, have a great day, and thank you to everyone who shared ideas!

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert

    You’re welcome.

    Enjoy music making 👍🏼

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