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  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,971 mod

    About my comment… well, it is really impossible to search through 3000+ comments, so…. 😉

    If you are referring to a comment such as this then not impossible not really…

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod

    …i meant, impossible for me to waste time for such search, i will become nervous! 😂

    …i know, my bad… 😏

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,971 mod

    Well , you were late at that recent meeting where Myke and I emphasized the great advantage it is to be able to use Google on this forum 😁

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod

    It was not what i meant… "can't waste time on this" is not out of laziness… on the contrary! It is because time is more precious to me than money, power, even sex, occasionally! 😋
    Among others, i have to take care for 3 personal websites, 2 large Facebook groups, 6 Facebook pages, YouTube, Bandcamp, Soundcloud etc etc etc, then, my music, my projects, my experiments… presets creation, Reaktor ensembles etc etc. Then, an olive farm (among other non-net works) to maintain… plus my "eternal" studies on various areas and my endless hunger for more and more books… Not to mention my hobbies out in the nature (mushroom hunting, mineral/crystals collection etc etc etc)… Did i mentioned DJing? nope i didn't… Then there is also my relax and my personal time… I sleep no more than 5 hours. 6, on the "hard" days… still. i am here at least 5 hours per day! How i manage all that, i have no idea, do not ask… but, to survive all this, i have to make some priorities otherwise I'll end-up to the asylum… 😂 well… avoiding useless and non-practical things/situations/debates/areas/people etc etc and things that i have zero interest on them, is at the top of those priorities! 😁 But still, if there is a real need to search for something, i will search for it, nonetheless! But, i will decide if there is a real need. 🙏

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,971 mod
    edited February 3

    I think that we got our lines crossed (never meant for you to have to explain yourself in this matter . and especially not to that extend, but interesting insight into your life, thank you 😀)

    But, i will decide if there is a real need. 🙏

    Of course , we all pick what we 'want' of tasks here and so it should be (sometimes I have to remind people that are too keen on delegating work to others)(usually not required) and I were not/did not mean to be questioning your effort.

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