Anybody have experience upgrading to Win 11 from 10 with a laptop full of Kontakt libraries?

kcpdx Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

I'm a little worried about upgrading to Windows 11 and kontakt losing the library file locations (vst, sound files, etc). Anybody successfully upgraded without a problem? If not, what sort of problems did you run into? Thanks.


Best Answer

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,098 mod
    Answer ✓

    I've done an in-place without problems on a laptop. I normally do clean upgrades on a desktop, but the laptop was easier to hit "Upgrade". As long as you have backups, if it does go wrong you're at the same point as if you'd decided to do a clean install of Windows 11, so you have nothing to lose by trying it.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,108 Expert

    Have never attempted an in-place upgrade in all years of Windows usage.

    While some have most likely pulled it off - the process is never foolproof as there are many requirements to be met, driver clashes and who knows what else.

    Best to image the entire machine so you can return to operation if anything goes south.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,946 Expert
    edited January 20

    I casually just upgraded my Surface from 10 to 11 some hours ago ☺️

    At the moment, no issue encountered (if not a little more general slowness of the computer, but that could be normal. The reasons could be many, from Windows still having things for the update to finish in the background, to less free space on the hard disk till I decide it is safe to delete the old Windows folder that eventually allows for an “easier” roll back if needed).

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,098 mod
    Answer ✓

    I've done an in-place without problems on a laptop. I normally do clean upgrades on a desktop, but the laptop was easier to hit "Upgrade". As long as you have backups, if it does go wrong you're at the same point as if you'd decided to do a clean install of Windows 11, so you have nothing to lose by trying it.

  • kcpdx
    kcpdx Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Ok, thanks. Sounds like it's iffy. I'll make sure to image the SSD before proceeding.

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