Loops are stuck in complete control browser interface

Atheos Member Posts: 18 Member

MacOS Ventura 13.7.2

three unrelated loops have become in the complete control interface. I am therefore unable to access any content from my NI library. know how to clear this problem. I include some screenshots to illustrate the problem. I am experiencing the same issue with contakt8 I hope the solution to one will solve the other. Thanks for any help you can provide.

Best Answers



  • Atheos
    Atheos Member Posts: 18 Member

    IMPORTANT: I’ve just noticed that the key word in my question is missing!

    The loops are STUCK in the Komplete Kontrol interface. I don’t know how to dislodge them, and because they are stuck there I cannot access any of my NI plugins. No matter which one I try to open - the three loops are all that’s shown. It’s be really grateful for my help as I don’t know what to do next to resolve this issue. Nobody Kontrol and its contents are effectively frozen.

    Thank you

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 293 Pro

    try removing them from the folders , close kk , and reopen , or manually rescan

  • Atheos
    Atheos Member Posts: 18 Member

    Aldread, thanks for your advice, I did as you suggested however the scan app crashed when I tried to re-scan the plug-ins. Apart from that complete control remains frozen as shown the earlier screenshots, and I effectively locked out. Any

  • Atheos
    Atheos Member Posts: 18 Member

    I don’t know how to do that I’m a bit fearful as I have quite a lot of Ni plug-ins - battery 4, Kontakt8 and complet Komplete Stanford 15. But Ithink you are right right. Can you please provide me with instructions how to delete and reinstall Komplete Kontrol?

    I’d be very grateful if you could - I am an old guy…

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 293 Pro
    edited January 16

    in native access, you can reinstall without uninstalling , find kk click on the 3 dots next to “open”box

    To uninstall , you can find a guide in that list that shows you where all the files are located , but try reinstalling first

    Don’t worry about the other stuff , native access will tell kk where to find all the plugins/libraries

  • Atheos
    Atheos Member Posts: 18 Member

    Aldread, I tried that twice. I moved KK to the bin and deleted from there. I then reinstalled it from native access, and restarted the Mac. It made no difference - the issue remains. So I’ve removed each of the three samples, then replaced them and removed/restored KK without resolution. I am at a loss - especially as the three samples shown together (see earlier screenshots) are actually from unrelated libraries.

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 293 Pro
    edited January 17

    ok , fyi moving kk app to the trash doesn’t fully delete, you have to remove all those other files listed in the how to uninstall guide
    I think you need to contact support , see if they can help .

    Yeah I can see that those are from 3 different expansions , so it’s pretty bizarre

  • Atheos
    Atheos Member Posts: 18 Member

    Aldread, I just uninstalled KK following the instructions provided in native access that you provided. I’ll let you know the outcome when I restart…

  • Atheos
    Atheos Member Posts: 18 Member

    Aldread, having followed the uninstall directions from native access, I then reinstalled KK from NA. However in appearance there is no change to. KK and each time I scan the plug-ins the scan crashes. I should mention here that I have a very civil issue with Kontakt8 which has an instrument and it’s unrelated to the in KK. I didn’t mention the.k8 hopeful that solution to KK we’d also be the fix for K8. I am completely lost to go with use any of my. NI . Do you have any suggestions regarding next steps?

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 293 Pro

    I think you need to contact support , start a chat with the bot telling them that you have issue with kk , they should pass that on to someone, who should contact you via email , they have a support tool , which can scan your system to see what’s happening


    ALDREAD Member Posts: 293 Pro
    edited January 17
  • Atheos
    Atheos Member Posts: 18 Member

    Aldread, I only open KK in standalone mode. I went as far as uninstalling via NA the three expansions containing the samples lodged in KK and the instrument lodged in K8. I restarted and the problem in K8 remained unchanged, whereas no instruments etc loaded into KK. When I reinstalled the KK expansions and K8 instrument both interfaces remained locked with the three specific samples lodged in KK and the instrument lodged in in K8.

    So the issue remains - both interfaces are locked and I cannot access any of my NI plugins. I’ve no idea what to do next…

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 293 Pro
    ALDREAD Member Posts: 293 Pro
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