Weird note selection behavior on M+

tribepop Member Posts: 178 Pro
edited January 13 in Maschine

I’ve been noticing this weird behavior when working in the events view in M+ where scrolling with the 4-D encoder doesn’t scroll through the individual notes on the piano roll. I’ve made sure that I don’t have any other mode active (e.g. tempo button activated, SELECT option enabled, etc.). I usually have to go back and forth between events, keyboard, and step sequencer view a couple of times to get it to start working. It does it randomly on different projects and it only started happening recently.

The notes are originally inputted via the M+ pads, external midi controller, or step sequencer view. I can’t reliably reproduce it, it just starts happening so I’m not sure if it’s related to how the notes are being inputted or is related to some particular sequence of operations in my workflow.
I’m using the latest M+ version btw

Anyone else experienced this before?



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