just retired from work and want restart easy my DJ console but Traktor Pro re-installation not possi

Rene1960 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

i just retired from work and after login to native, i was looking for my license, which I have for Traktor LE Denon and Traktor PRO Upgrade (hardware i have is Denon MC-6000) but through the Native Access 2 installation, I could not locate the correct update. where can I find the correct software for my license, (presumable it requires a full installer on my mac. any help would be great. kind regards Rene1960


Best Answer

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,875 Expert
    Answer ✓

    For macOS 12 (Monterey) you need at least TP3, if you still have TP2 it will not work.


  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,875 Expert

    Which Traktor Pro do you own? You should be able to see it here:


    And on what kind of computer do you want to install it? Mac or Windows? What version?

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    Hi and welcome to the forum

    You're talking about software and hardware that's 14 years old. The software is long discontinued, but you may possibly find it by enabling 'view legacy products' in Native Access.

    What exactly is "my mac"? Is it old or new? What OS is installed? The software/hardware may no longer be compatible with the computer, but without details it's impossible to say.

  • Rene1960
    Rene1960 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    i just ran the traktor pro 4 demo and the connection with the Denon MC6000 still works on my MAC book pro with os 12

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod
    edited January 9

    As already written by lord-carlos then you should be able to see any serials connected with your account on the MY PRODUCTS, SERIALS, AND DOWNLOADS page , listed as either Not registered or as Registered Products.

    If you have already registered the serial in Native Access using another account that you have no longer access to then you will have to ask Account Support Check this article "I Have No Access to My User Account"

    Generally speaking then you are supposed to be using latest version of Native Access for your OS and for Native Access to show legacy software that you have on your account (see how to check above) then you might have to turn on the Show Legacy software in N.A.

    Also if you have the product serial registered to your account and if you then need download manual download links for some older software then we might have links to those if you tell what version it is that you seek and else maybe support can help , but you still need to have the serial connected with account first.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,875 Expert
    Answer ✓

    For macOS 12 (Monterey) you need at least TP3, if you still have TP2 it will not work.

  • Rene1960
    Rene1960 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    All, thanks so far

    i was out for a week and returned yesterday, so start looking again to get the deck and software talk to each other. :)

    I found in my archive the old DVD with Traktor Pro from 2010, but this will not install on my MAC Book Pro OS 12 Monterey, which I can understand.

    I downloaded the trial version of Traktor Pro 4 and if it works then I have no problem purchasing it, but the trial version sends audio to the Denon MC6000, i can load music files on the mac screen but not the data of the track to the decks, so there seems a mismatch (which I have no clue what is missing) I reviewed on you tube how configuration of Traktor pro should be.

    I tried to update the firmware on the Denon, but also did not work.

    I read somewhere that Traktor Pro 2 and 3 should work, but there is no where a link on the Native site or Native Access app where to find (a trail) installer for these older version. Anyone an idea what i am missing and what I should do. thanks

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,875 Expert
    edited January 22

    If it works on tp2 and 3, it shouldt™️ in theory also wok in tp4, as there is not much difference.

    If you search for Denon MC6000 here: https://www.denondj.com/downloads

    You can find the traktor mapping to download.

    Edit: I just saw, the MC6000 should already be part of traktor, in this thread is a picture that shows you how: https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/18763/help-requested-for-traktor-3-8-0-with-denon-mc-6000-mk1-mapping

  • Rene1960
    Rene1960 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    guess what, on the denon support site downloaded the proper .tsi file for my DN-MC6000 and imported this, in traktor pro 4 (under preferences) and now the tracks are also load in the hardware deck…. so playing to find out it all works….. and then purchase traktor pro 4

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