Help requested for Traktor 3.8.0 with Denon MC 6000 MK1 mapping

Achim Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Mapping Traktor


before Corona pausing i worked with Macbook and Traktor 3.xx connected with Denon MC 6000 MK1 without any problems.

Now i have a new Dell Windows 11 Notebook and i´m not able to connect Traktor 3.8.0 with the Denon MC 6000 when a try the old settings.

Only the file seelcting knob works, but no faders.

Could anybody give me please some screenshots with the correct settings and the correct Denon mapping😅

Best Answer


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,454 mod
    edited November 2023 Answer ✓

    The correct mapping already exists in Traktor's default mapping folder, so most probably you have to select it and reload it again.

    Controller Manager --> Add ---> Import TSI

  • Achim
    Achim Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    edited May 2024

    Hi again,

    i tried in the meantime different workarounds with, i´m sorry to say that, no success.

    Also the common youtube videos were not helpful.

    NI has unfortunately no capacity to help me solve this problem.

    When i load a track in a deck and start the track, the track runs in superslow and distorted.

    All effects in Traktor are inactiv.

    The mapping works only partly.

    Is there anybody experienced DJ in or around Hamburg with my setup?

    Ref. : German DJ in Hamburg seeks config. help of Traktor Pro 3.8 & Denon DN-MC6000 (Edit by Moderator)

    Kind regards,


  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod
    1. Are you using multiple controller mappings?
    2. Do you have All Ports settong on midi ports?
    3. Is firmware up to date on yopur controller?
    4. Does the controller works normally with the software it comes with.
    5. Did you try to inspect midi signals (MIDI-OX / Midi Pipe)
    6. Are custom mappings from DJTT working?
  • Achim
    Achim Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Hello Stevan,

    i´m sorry but i´m not an experienced Traktor user.

    1. no
    2. where to set? in Traktor or Denon mixer?
    3. yes
    4. there is no software with Denon mixer
    5. i´m sorry, i do not understand
    6. no
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