Raum and Dirt VST Question

EDubya Member Posts: 14 Member

Hi All,

I need to share a project file and the project uses Raum and Dirt. The person is unable to open these as they are added as AU plugins (I'm on a Mac and they are PC). I looked in the browser of my DAW (Studio One 6 Professional) and they are showing as AU only. Is there a way to download VST versions of these from Native Access? I have Komplete Standard 14.

Best Answer

  • EDubya
    EDubya Member Posts: 14 Member
    Answer ✓

    Thank you Jeremy. I actually had a virtual session with my friend last night and I ran S1 in Rosetta mode and we were able to open the session with the VSTs.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,445 mod

    VST versions are included in the installation.

    So, if a Windows user download and install them through Native Access he will install the Windows version which includes the VST's.

  • EDubya
    EDubya Member Posts: 14 Member

    Thanks for the response. If VST versions are included in the install, why do they only show up as an option for AU in my browser? If I could find the VST version and add those I believe my friend would be able to open them with his Windows system. Thanks again.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,445 mod

    why do they only show up as an option for AU in my browser?

    1- Because you are on Mac probably? A Mac user can tell you more. I can tell you about Windows and i can tell you that Windows and Mac installations are different (for example, there are no AU plugins in the Windows setup).

    2- Because somehow you do not have VST enable in your system? @Kymeia may help you better on this case.

    If I could find the VST version and add those I believe my friend would be able to open them with his Windows system.

    You can not just "send the VST's to a friend". Your friend must have a legal copy, so this means that he also need to have Native Access to install them. And, if the above criteria are fulfilled, then you do not need to send him anything… just the project

  • EDubya
    EDubya Member Posts: 14 Member

    Hello. I'm checking back here as my friend updated to Komplete and was able to use Dirt and Raum in the session I shared with him as VSTs on his windows system. When he sent the session back to me I was unable to access what he did with Raum/Dirt as I still only have them as AU plugins. I wanted to ask again if there's to access or enable the VST versions of these plugins? I'm also tagging @Kymeia as you mentioned before. Thanks.

  • victorp.sg
    victorp.sg Member Posts: 178 Advisor

    A Google search reveals this article "Studio One 6: How can I get my 3rd-party plug-ins to show up in Studio One?". Perhaps that will help you solve your issue. Also, other search results reveal that you may need to use Studio One's Plug-in Manager to manage your AU and VST/VST3 plug-ins.

  • EDubya
    EDubya Member Posts: 14 Member

    Got it. I believe I tried that before and it didn't work but I'll try it again. Thanks.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,846 mod

    @EDubya You should see the plug-ins in the available formats of Studio One here:

    Is the person using the VST2 version or VST3? Is your Mac an Intel Mac or a Silicon one? If it's a SIlicon one, VST2 are no longer supported in native mode, you would need to run Studio One in Rosetta mode: How to Open Your DAW Using Rosetta

  • EDubya
    EDubya Member Posts: 14 Member
    Answer ✓

    Thank you Jeremy. I actually had a virtual session with my friend last night and I ran S1 in Rosetta mode and we were able to open the session with the VSTs.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,846 mod
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