New KK a49 can’t work because my serial is already registered.

Joshchilders1 Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

how is this legal! I have a keyboard that they doesn’t work because they sent me a faulty or already used serial? What the actual ****** is that!


  • Joshchilders1
    Joshchilders1 Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    Support is literally stonewalling me. I've created multiple tickets this week, and I finally received a response stating that my ticket was closed and resolved. However, it wasnt, all they said was that it was a used keyboard. This is not true, as it was never opened, and the packaging was completely undisturbed.

  • Joshchilders1
    Joshchilders1 Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    Support has closed my tickets without resolving my registration issue. Their claim is unfounded: It's a preowned keyboard, and it's clearly not. It is insane that it turned into he said, she said. Support makes unfounded claims so they don't have to resolve an issue, offsetting it to the buyer. The more I try to get answers, as they no longer respond, the more spam blocks I get on my account. What is going on at Native Instruments?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,302 mod


    You have created 3 different discussions with the same subject, while you are participating in a 4th!

    I merged them in one.

    Please stop doing this. I understand the frustration but making multiple discussions it won't help at all, it will only confuse things further.

    You will get an answer here:

    You do not have to worry, only to have some patience.
    Since Jeremy_NI is aware of your case, things will be solved soon!

  • Joshchilders1
    Joshchilders1 Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    Be patient. I've had a keyboard that I purchased sitting at my house for five days, and you won't fix my serial. Why did support respond and then close my ticket?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,302 mod
    edited December 2024

    That, i don't know. I am not a NI employee.

    But i can tell you, that if everything is as you presented it here, then, closing your ticket was a wrong decision by this person.

    I can also tell you that, lot of similar cases has been resolved successfully thanks to our admins and customer care team. So it will be yours too!

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