why no order confirmation

iioto Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

On the 27th Nov, I ordered the S88 Mk3 + Komplete Ultimate combo deal and only got an email that said "we're checking your order, and to clarify the next steps. This email is not a valid order confirmation."

Is this normal? Why would I not instantly have access to Ultimate to download it and why has there been no confirmation of the order with shipping info about the S88?

Best Answer


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod
    Answer ✓

    why has there been no confirmation of the order with shipping info about the S88?

    Order most likely has got stuck , it could possibly get unstuck in a couple of days or contact N.I. Purchase Support right away , In case that you need guidance contacting support : How to contact NI Support and How to get in touch with our Customer Care

  • iioto
    iioto Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    This is insane. I paid NI approx £1,600 on the 27th of November and have NOTHING. No software, no hardware.


    I bought 24 hours before they dropped Komplete Collector's Edition to 50% and they said nothing to me about this even though I was having a conversation with support not 24 hours before my purchase about upgrading to CE once I'd done it. They haven't responded to my request to upgrade at the 50% price at all.

    WTH!!!??? Never ever had such bad service from a company I've given so much money to. So far, NI make even Apple look good.

  • iioto
    iioto Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    All they said was the order was "exported". WTH does that mean?

  • iioto
    iioto Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    Finally had responses from them. Apparently there was a query over my payment method. Would have been good to tell me. They did apologise profusely and I've got a shipping notification for the S88 and download links for Ultimate.

    Panic over!

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    I know I'm getting here a few weeks late, but there's something we can all learn here.

    Apparently there was a query over my payment method.

    It's almost always this ^.

    But as to "Would have been good to tell me", this is actually YOUR responsibility. You would have seen this if you had checked your payment account's status online. If the money disappears and stays gone for a day or two, then your payment was processed.

    On the other hand, if your money does not disappear, or disappears and re-appears a day later, then THAT means that your payment didn't go through, and you probably should be asking why.

    We love to point to banking institutions as being evil, greedy, and not customer-friendly. And certainly a lot of them deserve that reputation. But then we constantly fail in our OWN responsibilities as customers.

  • iioto
    iioto Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

    er… it was gone mate. I paid by credit card. My bank didn't query it. I paid for a new car in cash yesterday. My bank queried it, and I told them it was legit. There. Happy that I didn't fail in my OWN responsibility as a customer, now?

    In what scenario is it ever the fault of the customer if the seller takes whatever payment is offered, decides that it's dodgy somehow and then doesn't bother to tell the customer? Try paying for a meal at a drive through with a dead pigeon. Can you imagine them taking the pigeon back to the till, deciding that the pigeon isn't a valid form of payment, but then just leaving you sitting there in your car waiting for your Big Whopper? What? Am I supposed to get out the car and go in and find them and retrieve my pigeon?

    I mean, come on BIF, you work for NI or what? Or is it that you just don't believe in customer service?

    My gripe isn't just that they didn't accept a payment method I use daily with no probs whatsoever. It's that they didn't tell me that they had a problem with it.

    But hey, thanks for chiming in 🤣

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