DevineWavetable Synth and DevineAcid for Reaktor Blocks?



  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    PoorFellow, thanks for trying to help my ailing posts. Maybe if what I'm referring to is unclear I'll copy and paste a line. I am so dissatisfied with my posts here… but it is interesting…

    Yes on further thought it doesn't matter what kind of Blocks they are, they also work for me and perhaps all users? The Demo Mode thing is triggered not by the loading of the Block but by the .ens check of its being registered failing. I think.

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    colB as I've uninstalled I'm not 100% sure, but my Native Access may have displayed like yours? I also seem to dimly remember having to install 3 Reaktor resources, not 2.

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    colB but I never had to add serials for them

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,971 mod
    edited November 2024

    Thank you colB ,

    I will place screenshots from my N.A. below here. What you have that I do not have is Reaktor 5 and the "Reaktor Blocks" shown to the right of "Reaktor 6" . I do have the Sampling Pack also but that is a further down in my N.A. .

    I vaguely remember (it was ages ago) that when I installed some version of Reaktor that came with Blocks, these Blocks entries didn't automagically appear in Native Access, rather I had to use the 'Add Serial' option:

    P.S. if these "Reaktor Blocks" contains the "Rounds" modules then even if the ensemble were made on Reaktor 6 then Devine could still have used "Rounds" from that library (?) And if we for whom the Devine Synth do not work do not have license for that library then that might explain it (?)

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod

    I might have an idea about what is happening.

    Through the years there was 4 Blocks installations:

    Reaktor Blocks (the first Blocks release, last update was 2019 i think, 177 Mb. After that year, more or less, they never appeared again)

    Reaktor Blocks Wired (This was a kind of demo with 3 ensembles and no library)

    Blocks Base (15 Mb)

    Blocks Primes (53 Mb)

    Now, there are only the last 2.

    So, by comparing the sizes it is obvious that the first release has almost 100 Mb of material that was never available later! And by compare the chronologies, those should be the Blocks used on Devine's synth.

    I will try something, if possible. To find that older blocks in Devine's synth and replace them with newer versions from Blocks Base & Primes. Fingers crossed!

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod

    Yep, that is! Found lots of duplicates too.

    An example with Rounds Delay:

    Older module

    Newer module (from Primes)

    Devine's Synth use the older module.

    …and so on, and so on…

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod
    edited November 2024

    then, there are also those 2 Karplus instruments that i have no idea what they are… 😋

    i think they are a Bento Oscillator FM and he renamed them…


    Found it, its a part of Euro Reakt Blocks (140 modules, free, top quality and an excellent replacement for some "commercial" blocks!)

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod
    edited November 2024

    Ok, i replaced almost everything with the equal blocks from the Base and Primes, except:

    The 2 Karplus instruments and 2 Wavetable Oscillators that also not exist on Base/Prime.

    Note: Of course, all the automation by Richard is now gone, so it sounds a bit simplistic, but, if its work, i think is a good start. :-)

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    Thanks, Sunborn! Nice! I can't test as i've uninstalled - unless you'd like me to try it in the Player - I uninstalled Blocks Primes and no longer own it. But I remain very interested and await a trial of this interesting approach by a poster here who still has both the problem and the files!

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,971 mod

    Thank you for trying , but for now then alas this is the result , I have no idea what the "1" "Modified content" is.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,971 mod

    I uninstalled Blocks Primes and no longer own it.

    Darn 😉 , and here I thought that I were maybe helping someone use and keep his N.I. product 😁. Oh , well , no biggie really. At least we have either solved the mystery or come very close to doing so. 👨‍🔧

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    Thanks, PoorFellow! I do appreciate your investigations and attempts to help! And whatever this issue and however limited a subpopulation of Kreator users, it's certainly shared by many, who will benefit from any progress!

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod
    edited November 2024

    It is some of the remaining 4 modules,

    if you're interested i can go with "trial and error" until we find it

    otherwise i will close the thread since the original poster is no interested anymore (as he uninstall them) and i don't like to waste my time on a purely theoretical plane… 😉

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,971 mod

    if you're interested i can go with "trial and error" until we find it

    I am always interested in stuff like this, I discovered the problem a year or two ago and had to give up fixing it since I did not have what were needed.

    otherwise i will close the thread since the original poster is no interested anymore (as he uninstall them) and i don't like to waste my time on a purely theoretical plane… 😉

    I am very appreciative of your personal great effort with a lot of things.

    But asking you to spend hours for me to have a few minutes of fun is not something that I would like to do. I do stuff like this for a number of reasons but I honestly think that you ought not do that for me. I don't need the synth. Also I wanted to assist but like you I do not think that you should waste/use your time on it under the circumstances. N.I. ought to make Reaktor able to auto-update projects and switch old versions with new if user have them.

    Thank you 🙂

  • bravedog
    bravedog Member Posts: 62 Member

    Sunborn it is great that you thought of something to actually try! I agree you shouldn't spend more time if not interested yourself, I remain curious but that's understandable and fine with me!

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