Why can't we put maschine 3 in fullscreen mode ?

DARK ∃N∃RGY Member Posts: 15 Member

Why is isn't there a fullscreen button anymore ?

Second wy do we have less space to draw modulation now ?


  • Z Ø L T N
    Z Ø L T N Member Posts: 4 Member

    Probably the same reason that the UI is still pixelated and doesn’t scale well with high resolution screens.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,165 mod

    It’s still there in the Mac version so it looks like this is a bug for Windows

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,856 Expert

    Known bug. Confirmed to be fixed ASAP.

  • maschuser1
    maschuser1 Member Posts: 10 Helper

    You can put it into fullscreen with autohotkey, which works fine for me:

    WinActivate, ahk_exe Maschine 3.exe
    WinSet, Style, -0xC40000, A ; Remove title bar and borders
    Offset := -20
    AdjustedHeight := A_ScreenHeight - Offset
    WinMove, A, , 0, %Offset%, %A_ScreenWidth%, %AdjustedHeight% ;

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