Missing 'load into deck' options


I am running Traktor Pro 4.02.13 and I noticed a weird thing: when I right-click a track, the 'Load into…" options are different on a track-by-track basis. I have created a couple of screenshots for you to see what I mean. In some cases, all I see is remix decks C and D, in others the two Remix Decks and Deck A. For tracks that I have generated Stems for, I see all four Load options. This has never happened before.
I tried restarting the app, to no avail.


Best Answer

  • fsiracusa
    fsiracusa Member Posts: 16 Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi guys. As I wrote after I opened the question, the issue disappeared. If it reappears I will capture a video and post it, but it seems like a bug that "fixes" itself when the user does something (probably what Steven explained above). It was weird because, as I said, at first I could only see my Remix Decks as options for loading tracks into, then one of the Track Decks (A) appeared. Restarting the app didn't fix anything. And then, all of a sudden, all decks had become available for loading songs. Oh well. Temporary glitches are fun fun fun! Take care!


  • fsiracusa
    fsiracusa Member Posts: 16 Member

    It appears that after dragging a drop into both decks A and B the full complement of context menu options has reappeared (I can right-click and select either track deck and either remix deck.) Still, it's a weird thing.

  • Martiniix_NI
    Martiniix_NI Customer Care Posts: 387 mod


    I see you kinda found a solution, but I still think It could be useful if you can share with us a video replicating the issue so I can see which decks were you using the moment you were trying to load the tracks.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,220 mod

    This sounds like the same bug that happens with the Controller Manager too. It is a "highlighted section" issue that happens when you click elsewhere (out of the Traktor window) and then come back to traktor.

    1. Hower over the option to see the drop meny appear.

    2. Click elsewhere. Other app or explorer/desktop/finder.

    3. Click on Traktor again.

  • fsiracusa
    fsiracusa Member Posts: 16 Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi guys. As I wrote after I opened the question, the issue disappeared. If it reappears I will capture a video and post it, but it seems like a bug that "fixes" itself when the user does something (probably what Steven explained above). It was weird because, as I said, at first I could only see my Remix Decks as options for loading tracks into, then one of the Track Decks (A) appeared. Restarting the app didn't fix anything. And then, all of a sudden, all decks had become available for loading songs. Oh well. Temporary glitches are fun fun fun! Take care!

  • fsiracusa
    fsiracusa Member Posts: 16 Member

    Hi Martin.

    I was able to reproduce the issue and I recorded a video (attached). The issue happens when you load stems into a track deck. After you do, if you right-click any other track in your library, the deck you loaded the stems track into is not available. To make it available again, you need to drag and drop a track into the deck, then the deck becomes available in the right-click menu again.

    I made a video with my phone but it's complaining that it's too big. So I made a shorter version using screen recording on my Mac.


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