Maschine Hardware



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,905 Expert
    edited October 2024

    No microwaves were hurt in the process of writing this article.

    But users were 😂

    So Electrolux is now fixing the problem the old school way, by calling all owners and sending over technicians to repair their confused appliances.

    Do you envision NI doing the same? 😶

    How long to a NI update making M+ think to be a microwave? 😂

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited October 2024

    @MaikR @ozon @Andy Wt .

    You know what, considering many things said, you guys are right… The advantages of online check shouldn't be forced. You should buy it, turn it on and use it, at least with whatever SW versions it has from sitting in the store.

    I still feel like comparing an M+ to more traditional gear like a SP-404mk2 or TR8s is quite bit odd, maybe im biased because before the M+ I was already used to this with the other NI products and expected it, I knew M+ was just the Maschine SW with a computer and controller attached before I got it; or maybe because I don't share this fear of being locked out of using my M+ as that never happened in my life, ever. idk

    TBH bro, i saw you come into the forum with an all positive attitude not that long ago, you actually argued with the complainers in favor of NI than gradually shifted to the complainers side (not criticising you for that, I complain a lot too) maybe the more informed you are about a company (when you spend tons of time on their forum), the more you realise… it's a company, not your buddy.

    I have to say, if you're that distrustful of NI, why are you using its products?? If your partner cheats on you 30 times, and you no longer trust them not to repeat past actions… than perhaps it's time to break it up? It's almost like Stockholm syndrome or something… I left Cubase because I really dislike Steinbergs practices, what would be the point in being against their actions but still use their stuff and keep buying more? I gotta practice what i preach.

    I just cant imagine buying an M+ while worrying it will die the next day, sounds like torture instead of fun times making Music + I just cant grasp the logic of critiquing a company for TONS of different topics, on things they have done and others they haven't even done yet but still buy and use their stuff, this is baffling to me.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 381 Guru

    I would still opt for co-parenting with shared responsibility… 😉

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 225 Pro
    edited October 2024

    To add. Some people are complaining because they -already- spent the money & either can't find someone to sell their licenses/gear to, or have too many projects that are reliant on NI Products. I'd be pretty mad about NI dropping Mk2 support, if I hadn't sold my Mikro Mk2 last year.

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