Komplete 7 reactivation in Windows XP



  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,062 Guru

    "Dont listen to the thought police around here telling/insinuating you're foolish if you dont keep up to date."

    Nobody here is being "thought police". Such an accusation is not only wrong, it is unfriendly. I also think it will surely fracture any possibility of the user base being in support of each other.

    We all need each other, even when we happen to disagree with each other. There really is no need to insult each other. And yes, I do take that as an insult.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,093 Expert


    "I agree totally that you should be able to continue using your products you paid for as long as you don't expect ongoing support like perpetual bug fixes etc, but you're not doing that"

    I totally support the use of older products as well but this statement is missing a key component. How it should read is:

    "I agree totally that you should be able to continue using your products you paid for as long as you don't expect ongoing support like perpetual bug fixes and are using it on a supported operating system, but you're not doing that. 

    There is no vendor in the world that (even if they did have some tool to license older products) would allow that tool to run on an OS that is not supported by the vendor that made it.

    Let's do a What If.

    What if - NI had such an offline license tool for the OP? They sent it over and the OP fires it up on his end and the tool fails. Now what? NI gave you the tool you asked for. The OP has all the pieces lined up exactly like they were in mid 2009 - but now there is an error message coming from that rickety copy of Windows XP. Who's gonna look into that? NI? Microsoft? I think you get the picture.

    This whole scenario is all happy happy joy joy - as long as everyone assumes that everything is going to be perfect - until it isn't. And then the OP comes right back here for "support".

    While many respectfully disagree - the OP (like all of us have) bought some software one day in the distant past - that eventually aged out and is now retired. It is what it is.


  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    Nobody here is being "thought police". Such an accusation is not only wrong, it is unfriendly. I also think it will surely fracture any possibility of the user base being in support of each other.

    We all need each other, even when we happen to disagree with each other. There really is no need to insult each other. And yes, I do take that as an insult.

    You're overthinking this. I have no intentions of insulting anyone or being divisive like you're accusing me of. There ARE some unfriendly people here and Im not one of them. What I will do, though, is stand where I stand when I need to. I simply do what many others do, state what my views are on things. That is what Im doing here, and what I think gets in the way, is when some people just can't accept there is a differing view to theirs, hence labouring their point to the point of being extremely pushy.

    AFAIK in general, discussions here at Ni, even with disagreements, are to be encouraged, even vigorously as long as there's no peronsal attacks which I take to include character attacks. FWIW, I've seen many personal attacks on this forum that go unchecked or so it seems.

    The only thing I agree with you on is that we do need each other. WHat a shame, then, some people abuse that.


    My usual disclaimer (especially when it comes to activations/installers etc)... I dont support pirates and thieves who steal software that they havent paid for. Period.

    I totally disagree that you have to have an up to date OS (That is, one that is supported) which pretty much nullifies the point of running old software at all. OP wasnt asking for help to install OS or swapping out what he/she needed. All that was required was re-activation. That was it.

    Your hyperthetical scenario I think is somewhat narrow. In your "he said/she said" portrayal, there shouldn't be a problem if such a tool is verified and known to work. There's nothing wrong with a legitimate user asking for help if he/she hits a problem. Thats what people should do. I would also suggest there would be much less problem these folk would pose than some of the lengthy problems we've seen arise in the last couple of years because NI have had serious issues like NA.

    As to your one only scenario, Im sure there's others. I know this because companies do this now and as OP described. Perhaps you or others can raise some fair and unbiased points about what are the other options are on the table? Im not trying to be divisive or anything else. I seriously and genuinely want to know because there's many people that have chimed in on this issue and I believe firmly its a fair point. You buy a perpetual license that what we should be allowed to expect it to be.

    I also vigorously disagree that Im going to be resigned to the fact that "it is what it is" as if thats a good enough explanation. It is my understanding that Many NI products have had little or no updates for years. That they sell them as late as now, is testament by itself that they can be used and appreciated for multiple decades to come. As a K UCE owner I have at my fingertips many of those products which I really enjoy. Personally if I find a sound that becomes a mainstay, I really love it, etc, it will never die, just like some authentic instruments (guitars, flutes, cellii, whatever) I see no difference to want to keep my software I like and my guitar that I like. They're all tools of the trade.

  • jjezier
    jjezier Member Posts: 17 Member


    Native Instruments Support anwnser for my question:

    Since September 2017, the possibility to activate Native Instruments products offline has been discontinued. Activations are now done in Native Access, which requires Windows 7 and higher or macOS 10.9 and higher.

    All the version of Native Access for previous operating systems are listed here: 

    Native Access Legacy Installers for Older Operating Systems

    The computer used for the installation of the product requires online access during the activation process through Native Access. All Native Instruments products now require an online activation in order to unlock the demo mode and use all product features without any limitations.

    Please note that some legacy products have been discontinued and can no longer be activated. More information can be found here:

    Service Center and Legacy Products End of Life

    Then i send him that what silentio246 wrote:

    But on my Komplete 7 ELUA you wrote:

    "2.Registration / Activation

    ShouldNative Instruments for whatever reasons no longer be able to fulfillits obligations to deliver the activation key, it will provide theLicensee with a key which ensures the continued use of the softwareindependent of changes of the computer".

    According to this agreement you must somehow activate my product which I bought

    Many Company's like IK Multimedia and Waves give his customer possibility to reactivate his legacy product.

    Could you simple generate Activate return file for import to Service Center?

    And then awnser me that I must launch service center and send him Activation Request File.html and they activate it and send me return file

    So, We did it!!!

    All install all my NI Software and send him file's

    Thank goodness that they activate it!

  • jjezier
    jjezier Member Posts: 17 Member

    I install all my NI Software and send them file's.😀

    Sorry for my English😉

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro
    edited October 2024

    Hey @jjezier thats great! Service Center is something that was before my time so I don't know how this all operated but I hope your success story is carried on for all NI customers.

    Thankyou NI for doing this.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,093 Expert
  • jjezier
    jjezier Member Posts: 17 Member
  • jjezier
    jjezier Member Posts: 17 Member

    Done! Done! Done!

    Everything is activate! Even Kore Soundbanks!

    Tomorrow I explain solusion of this problem.

    Now I Want connect my Kore 2 Controller and play something sounds

    See You tomorrow!

  • jjezier
    jjezier Member Posts: 17 Member

    Hi Everyone!

    Well… that was 3 hard weeks. But now is everything works!

    What do you need to do to activate Komplete 7 on Windows XP?

    1. After intallation, we must generate Activate Request File from Service Center. Then we must contact with NI Support and send them Activate Request File.
    2. NI Support Team must accept your request and then send you System ID and Activation Key.

    And then we have three solusion to activate software:

    1. We must launch Service Center. Click Offline and go to Overview tab, and then simply copy and paste Authorization Code. This solusion works only then we have System ID in Service Center. What if Service Center doesn't have it?
    2. Then we must open the Registry Editor and navigate to the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Native Instruments\product name. First we must create a new String Value and name it “SYSTEMID”,  in case the “SYSTEMID” entry does not exist. Then right-click it, select “Edit” and paste the SystemID you received from Support. Next one we must right-click the “KEY” entry, select “Edit” and paste the Activation Key in the “Value data” field. And Done! When we open Service Center and go to Overview tab we will see that sofware is activate.

      What if we always activate our Komplete on offline mode and we have Activation Response file from the past?
    3. Then we must open Activation Response file on Notepad and find and simply find and replace "system_id number" (3 times) and "activation_key" number and simply save it. Warning if we activate All Komplete 7 Product we must do this procedure for every Komplete 7 product. Separatly for Vintage Organs, Mark I etc., but we must do this in one Activation Response file. Next we launch Service Center and import our Activation Response file and that's it. Sofware is activate!

      This solusion is important for me in the future, because in four years i reinstall my Windows XP like I always do and then I simply activate my NI Software via my activation return files like i always do. I hope that it will work as it did in the past.

    And that's it I Hope that i help someone like me. Sorry for my English. If you don't understand this solusions please ask me on this topic. I try help everyone.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,585 mod
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