Komplete 7 reactivation in Windows XP



  • jjezier
    jjezier Member Posts: 17 Member


    You have absolutely right. Like i said, i'm still waiting for awnser of NI. I hope that can help me

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,062 Guru
    edited October 2024

    @Jeremy_NI ; just giving you a head's up on this one.

    Does anybody HAVE the EULA from that version? If it's stored on the installer CDs or hard drives, I may be able to look it up (I've kept all of my NI media).

    The reason I ask is that the EULA might actually contain a contractual "out" for Native Instruments. Back in those days, they were run in Germany by Germans, who I believe were quite fastidious when writing contracts. Fastidious to the point of being Sheliac, for those of you who might get that reference.

    To the OP: I wouldn't ASSUME that the old EULA actually protects you. You must actually read the EULA. And then have other people read it. And then maybe have your own legal counsel read it. You might find that the EULA protects the vendor more than it protects you. Surprise!

    Oh, and there's one other thing. Today's Native Instruments is not the same as the old Native Instruments. You might need an attorney's input on this, but it's possible that legally speaking, 2024 Native Instruments has no responsibility to adhere to EULAs and agreements made by "pre-buyout Native Instruments". If that's true, you can stamp your feet and throw a temper tantrum in the middle of the toy aisle, but wouldn't do you any good.

    After all that, you might just be better off upgrading your rig. If your soul can't bear the pain of upgrading, then just find a different alternative..

    Oh, and one small point (because words mean things): I take issue with your claim of being a "loyal" customer. To the technical-minded, a loyal customer would be one that keeps up at least with the minimum requirements. Marketing would say that "being loyal" would mean that you are regularly buying from the company. It doesn't sound like you do either. You bought a copy of the software from the days of cuneiform and now you expect it to still work. Call yourself whatever you like, but "a loyal customer" is probably not it.

    Anyway, good luck.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,093 Expert
    edited October 2024

    "To the technical-minded, a loyal customer would be one that keeps up at least with the minimum requirements. Marketing would say that "being loyal" would mean that you are regularly buying from the company. It doesn't sound like you do either."

    Glad someone finally said the quiet part out loud.


    Bravo on the EULA thing as well - that holds zero water - especially after a corporate sale. There is no way the new venture capitol owners of NI today - would ever agree to buy the company and still have to tippy-toe around any agreements from 20 years ago.

    The only EULA that matters today is the one currently on the website. And it is devoid of any language regarding any alternate form of activation outside of Native Access.


  • silentio246
    silentio246 Member Posts: 54 Helper

    Here is the EULA. It appears during the installation process of KOMPLETE 7.

    The key paragraph is:


    2.Registration / Activation

    ShouldNative Instruments for whatever reasons no longer be able to fulfillits obligations to deliver the activation key, it will provide theLicensee with a key which ensures the continued use of the softwareindependent of changes of the computer.

    Native Instruments discontinued Sevice Center in 2020, many products could not be activated any more.


    Native Instruments did not "provide theLicensee with a key which ensures the continued use of the softwareindependent of changes of the computer."

    Instead, Native Instruments declared many products as "end of life" and "not supported any more".

    And, there is no contractual "out" for Native Instruments, other than do, what they finally did:

    • Shut down Service Center
    • Ignore the user`s protest (many talked about legal action)
    • Accept, that many users will leave, but new ones will come

    N.I.`s reputation is bad since then. I`ve learned my lesson: KORE, B4, SPEKTRAL DELAY etc. discontinued AND no activation anymore? Should i buy anymore from NI ? I did, but I`m very, very careful! No hardware anymore. Native Access? Still not working properly.

    NI is a big company with big problems. There are a lot of others with top notch quality and support.

    Last thoughts: How long is the "EULA" valid? Couldn`t find an expiry date. Maybe until the next "corporate sale"? Is this normal nowadays? Is this the Wild Wild West?

    EndUser License Agreement of Native Instruments - April 2010


    Thefollowing information represents the contractual conditions for theuse of software and hardware, manufactured by NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH(hereinafter called Native Instruments) by you, the final user(hereinafter called the Licensee).

    Byinstalling the software on your computer and by registration, you aredeclaring yourself to be in agreement with the contractualconditions, so please read the following text carefully.

    Ifyou are not in agreement with these conditions, you must not installthe software. In this event, please return the complete product(including all written matter, packaging) to the dealer from whom itwas originally bought over a period of 14 days after the day ofpurchase. In case you have bought the product by Native Instrumentdirectly in its Online-shop please return the complete product(including all written matter, packaging) either to NATIVEINSTRUMENTS GmbH, Schlesische Strasse 28, 10997 Berlin, Germany or toNative Instruments North America, Inc. 5631 Hollywood Blvd., LosAngeles, CA 90028, USA. The price you paid will be refunded in full.

    1.Updates / Upgrades

    Ifyou are owner of Native Instruments software products, which qualifyyou to update or to upgrade to the product or the product bundlelicensed by this Agreement, the qualifying licences of your softwareproducts will expire by accepting the following contractualconditions. You are no longer allowed to sell or to transfer thequalifying licenses separately. Any qualifying product can be usedonce only to contract an update or an upgrade offer.

    Incase you have upgraded to a product bundle the following conditionsshall apply to the bundle, which may include your software products,subject to the upgrade. You are no longer allowed to sell or totransfer the qualifying licenses separately.

    2.Products including Software and Hardware

    Productswhich include Software and Hardware are only allowed to be resold /transferred combined under the terms of this Agreement.


    ProductBundles (Hardware-Software-Bundles / Software-Software-Bundles) areonly allowed to be resold / transferred combined under the terms ofthis Agreement.

    4.NFR (Not For Resale) products

    Notwithstandingother sections of this License Agreement, any products by NativeInstruments, labelled or otherwise provided to you as a NFR (Not ForResale) copy, may only be used for demonstration, testing andevaluation purposes and may neither be resold or transferred, norused as a product which qualifies you to update or upgrade offers.

    5.EDU (Educational) products

    Notwithstandingother sections of this License Agreement, any products by NativeInstruments, labelled or otherwise provided to you as a EDU(Educational) version, may only be used by eligible educational endusers (students, faculty, staff and administration attending and/orworking at an educational institutional facility: private/publicschools, colleges, universities etc.). EDU versions are not allowedto be resold or transferred and can not be used for commercialpurposes.

    Incase you are in doubt about your Licence, you will find a sticker onthe bottom of your product which assigns your product (FULL/NFR/EDU).

    6.Download Sales

    Downloadsales are final. Native Instruments does not issue product refundsonce a download transaction has begun or cancel any contract forservices connected to a download purchase once a download isinitiated. "Powered by Instruments" (in particular „Poweredby Kontakt, Kore or Reaktor Instruments ", but also others) andother "audio content products" are not resalable when soldas downloads.

    7.Third Party Content

    Intellectualproperty rights / titles in and to some of the content included inNative Instruments software products belong to third parties. Suchcontent may be protected by copyright / other intellectual propertylaws and treaties and may be subject to terms of the respecting thirdparty providing such content. Neither the Native Instruments SoftwareLicensing Agreement, nor the Native Instruments Sound LicenseAgreement governs your rights to use such products but the licenseagreement of the respective third party. You will find these thirdparty license agreements in the document called "ThirdPartyContent"in the Documentation Folder of this product.

    8.Third Party Software

    Intellectualproperty rights / titles in and to some of the software included orused in Native Instruments software products belong to third parties.Such software may be protected by copyright / other intellectualproperty laws and treaties and may be subject to terms of therespecting third party providing such software. Neither the followingNative Instruments Software / Hardware Licensing Agreement, nor thefollowing Native Instruments Sound License Agreement does govern yourrights to use such software but the License Agreements of thirdparties. You will find these third party License Agreements andCredit Requirements in the document called "Third PartySoftware" in the Documentation Folder of this product.


    1.Object of the Contract

    Theobject of the contract consists of the computer programs recorded onthe supplied Medium (e.g. DVD, CD-ROM), the relevant usageinstructions and program descriptions and hardware. These aredescribed hereinafter as "Licensed software" or "Licensedhardware".

    2.Registration / Activation

    Itis required that you register the Licensed software in order toreceive an activation key that enables you to use the Licensedsoftware on your computer. The serial number of your product isembedded in the activation information that is passed from your musiccomputer to our database. Registration means that the owner's name,address and email address are stored together with the NativeInstruments serial number in our registration database. For theregistration you need to enter your name, email address and postaladdress.

    Withoutactivation it is not possible to use Native Instruments products. TheNative Instruments SERVICE CENTER guides you trough theeasy-to-follow step by step Native Instruments activation process.Native Instruments SERVICE CENTER requires the installation of theMacromedia Flash Player The installer of your NativeInstruments product contains a copy of the necessary plug-in and willbe installed automatically.

    TheNative Instruments activation uses information about essential systemcomponents of the user's audio computer encoded in the ActivationRequest File. This information does not contain any personal data.The Activation Request File will be used to create an activation key,which works only on the computer where the Activation Request Filehas been generated.

    Incase you want to use your Native Instruments product on a differentcomputer or in case of certain changes on your present computer are-activation might become necessary.

    ShouldNative Instruments for whatever reasons no longer be able to fulfillits obligations to deliver the activation key, it will provide theLicensee with a key which ensures the continued use of the softwareindependent of changes of the computer.

    NativeInstruments uses a secure SSL connection with 128-bit- encryptionthat meets current security standards to transmit your data over theweb. Native Instruments does not pass these data to third parties.

    Youagree that Native Instruments may use this information, observing theData Protection Laws, as long as it is in a form that does notpersonally identify you, to improve its products or to provideservices or technologies to you and unless you object to such usingin writing.

    3.Scope of use

    NativeInstruments grants the Licensee the non-exclusive right to use theLicensed software and hardware on one single computer only (i.e. oneCPU) at one single place. If this single computer is connected to amulti-user system, this License shall apply to all users of thesystem.

    TheLicensee may personally use the licensed software or hardwaretemporarily on one other computer, on condition that the saidsoftware and hardware is normally used regularly on one particularcomputer. For Kore, Komplete and Maschine simultaneous installationson three computers are allowed, as long as only one installation isused at any given time. Use above and beyond these limits is notpermissible.

    Theproper use of the licensed software according to the terms of thisagreement is condition for Licensee's right to use it.

    TheLicensee is authorised, to transfer/sell the Licensed software (fordownload sales see restrictions as described above) and hardware onceto a third party, if this third party declares to Native Instrumentsto be in agreement with the contractual conditions of this Agreement,the Licensee cancels his registration towards Native Instruments anderases all copies of the Licensed software prior to its delivery tothe third party. The Licensee is not entitled to grant any otherthird party rights of user ship over the licensed software.

    TheLicensee must not, except as otherwise expressly provided herein,copy or have copied, decompile or have decompiled, reverse engineeror have reverse engineered the Licensed software or parts of it.

    4.Exclusivity of Licensed software and hardware

    TheLicensee is to use the licensed software he receives from NativeInstruments, all copies thereof, and all pertinent documentationexclusively for his own purposes, and must keep it separate fromthird parties.

    Hemust ensure that no third party or any of his own employees, unlessauthorised, will have access to the licensed software, may copy partor all of the licensed software, or be given any opportunity to doso. The Licensee bears legal liability towards Native Instruments forany loss or damage - including any subsequent losses incurred byNative Instruments - resulting from the Licensee not keeping theprograms for exclusive use, or not doing so with sufficientassiduity.

    Occasionaluse by a third party is only permissible if this is absolutelyessential for the Licensee's use. Renting or lending out the licensedsoftware and hardware is expressly forbidden.

    5.Guarantee and legal liability

    NativeInstruments and the Licensee are aware that functional defects in thelicensed software and hardware cannot be totally ruled out, despitethe present state of technical knowledge, even if the very greatestcare is taken. The unrestricted functionality of the licensedsoftware and hardware and/or the rectification of all faultstherefore cannot be totally guaranteed.

    NativeInstruments' legal liability for programming errors in the licensedsoftware, or errors in the licensed hardware including later up-datesprovided for under this contract, is therefore restricted to any caseof Native Instruments acting with intent or gross negligence.

    Havingstated this, Native Instruments takes on the guarantee towards theLicensee that, at the point in time when the contract is concluded,the licensed software and hardware will prove to be free of allmaterial and technical defects under normal operating conditions.Should the Medium prove defective, the Licensee can demand theirreplacement during a period of twelve months from receipt of thelicensed software and hardware. In this instance he must return theMedium containing the licensed software and hardware, includingmanuals, documentation, and a copy of the invoice/receipt, to NativeInstruments sales organisation in his country, or to the dealer fromwhom it was bought.

    NativeInstruments undertakes, for a period of twelve months from theconclusion of this contract, to undertake everything that isnecessary to ensure the functionality of the licensed software incompliance with the specifications and the program description. Theprovision for this guarantee is that the licensed software andhardware be operated in the configuration provided for, and underappropriate operating conditions. Native Instruments does notguarantee uninterrupted and faultless operation.

    Allguarantee claims on behalf of the Licensee become invalid if hetampers with the licensed software or hardware, or modifies them inany way whatsoever, regardless of the extent of such modifications.The translation of the licensed software into any other programlanguage is also to be regarded as a modification.

    WhereNative Instruments is answerable for a defect of the licensedsoftware or hardware, the Licensee's right shall be confined tosubsequent performance. At Native Instruments election suchsubsequent performance shall either consist of rectifying the defector delivery of a substitute item. In the event that subsequentperformance fails, the Licensee shall be reserved the right either toreduce the purchase price or withdraw from the contract. Subsequentperformance shall be deemed to have failed if Native Instruments isunwilling or unable to rectify the defect/make substitute delivery orif rectification/substitute delivery is delayed beyond adequate timelimits for reasons which Native Instruments is answerable for or ifattempts at rectification have failed twice. More extensive claims,no matter on which legal reason, shall be excluded.

    Inthe instances when, within the context of the guarantee, the scope ofthe licensed software or hardware would have to be changed, inparticular if more memory capacity is needed for the program, theLicensee can make no claims of any kind against Native Instruments.

    TheLicensee has no rights over and above the aforementioned. NativeInstruments bears no liability for any loss or damage to the licensedsoftware or hardware, or to other programs being used, for the lossof working results, turnover, or profit, or for direct or indirectloss or damage suffered by the Licensee or any third party, unlesssuch loss or damage has been caused by Native Instruments acting withintent or gross negligence. Native Instruments in particular providesno guarantee that the licensed software or hardware meets theLicensee's requirements and purposes, or can work in conjunction withother programs he may have selected. The responsibility for thecorrect selection and for the use of the licensed software andhardware, and for the results aimed for or achieved, is borne by theLicensee.

    6.Concluding stipulations

    Thiscontract shall be exclusively subject to the laws of the state inwhich the contract is published.

    Ifany stipulation of this License contract should be or become invalid,either completely or in part, this shall not affect the validity ofthe remaining stipulations. The parties undertake instead to replacethe invalid stipulation with a valid regulation which comes as closeas possible to the purpose originally intended.

    Theplace of jurisdiction is the location of the national sales companyor agent. Native Instruments can also however, at its discretion,open proceedings at the registered address of the Licensee.

    Shouldyou have any queries concerning this License contract, please contactin writing:



    SchlesischeStrasse 28




    Pleaseread the following sound license agreement carefully. When installingthe sound library on your computer system, you are legally bound tothe following license agreement terms.

    NativeInstruments Sound License Agreement

    Thislicense agreement is an agreement between you and Native Instruments.It governs your use of the sound library / sound librariesincorporated in the product on this CD / DVD supplied to you byNative Instruments. By downloading, installing or otherwise using thesamples, ensembles, instruments, presets or any other includedcontent, you agree to be legally bound by the terms of this licenseagreement.

    Theprovided samples, instruments and presets can be used for commercialor non-commercial music and audio productions without the priorpermission from Native Instruments under the terms of this agreement.The usage of this product (in particular samples, instruments andpresets) for the creation of a sound library or as a sound libraryfor any kind of synthesizer, virtual instrument, sample library,sample-based product or other musical instrument is strictlyprohibited. Individual samples, sound sets or audio loops may not bedistributed (commercially or otherwise) standalone. Furthermore thesesamples, sound sets or audio may not be repackaged in whole or inpart as audio samples, sound libraries or sound effects.

    Withthe purchase of this sound library you have acquired a singlelicense. You may make one copy of this CD / DVD for backup purposesonly. Any other use in whole or in parts (giving, trading, lending,renting, re-issuing, re-distribution or re-sale of this product orany of the contained samples) is expressly prohibited, without theprior written permission of Native Instruments.

    Thislicense will terminate automatically without notice by NativeInstruments if you fail to comply with any provision of this license.Upon termination you shall destroy all copies of the samples,ensembles, instruments, presets or other contents of the soundlibrary / sound libraries.

    Incase this product contains third party's sounds or third party'ssound libraries which are not subject to other terms as mentioned insection I No. 7 of this agreement, such sounds or libraries shall beprotected by the afore mentioned terms.

    CopyrightApril 2010 - NATIVE INSTRUMENTS GmbH.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,093 Expert

    Until you can confirm any EULA (other than the current one ) is even remotely enforceable - it is merely your opinion. Only a legal representative from NI can determine if it's a fact.

    And - NI has been sold several times since the 2000's.

    Highly unlikely (actually more like impossible) that any buyer would accept honoring any old EULAs as part of any sale.


  • jjezier
    jjezier Member Posts: 17 Member

    BIF and Vocalpoint

    For me loyal custome it's means non piracy customer for anywere and anytime. Even 20 years ago. Even Microsoft understand it. What I didn't expect from them.

    For many company's too

    Yesterday i install and acitvate (online!) my BFD 2, Today XLN Audio Addictive Keys (online too!).

    I still waiting for awnser from NI…

  • silentio246
    silentio246 Member Posts: 54 Helper

    Acceptance of the EULA by the licensee results in a contract between the licensee and the manufacturer, which is concluded during the installation process from the previously purchased data medium. Therefore, it is a fact and not my opinion, that this can be enforced (and there is, of course, no need for a representative of NI to verify it), because this contract based on the EULA is protected by law and consumer protection.

    A new owner of the software company must, of course, also respect the existing licensing agreements, that result from previous sales.

    It`s sad but true, that some companies don`t follow the law and unfortunately get away with it (as long as we let them).

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,104 Expert
    edited October 2024


    The old contracts, like EULA, are of course valid on, even if there is 50 new owners in row…. Contract is between customer and NI, not between customer and company owner.

    Old EULA clearly says what NI should do. And the licence is perpetual. I am pretty sure, that NI would loose in the legal sue. They IMHO rely on the fact, that nobody will sue them because of "few" old plugins. And if one does intend to do so, they offer enought "value" in exchange for "loss" that one does not bring it to the court. My wild guess is that they have evaluated that it is less expensive to do so than maintain old system… :-(

    The new EULA is not that clear and straitforward, but if NI would stop authorising certain SW like e.g. Absynth, they might loose at court as well. And stopping authorisation on Win10 is also IMHO break of new EULA. As old Native Access have run and still runs on Win10….

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,104 Expert

    IMHO, solution for this unfortunate situation that NI has created would be, to include offline activation to Native Access 2. And file generated by Service Center would be also accepted. And activation file would also be usable in Service Center.

    This way, WinXP and Win10 (and also old MacOS versions) could be serviced by Service Center, newer OSes by NA2.

  • jjezier
    jjezier Member Posts: 17 Member


    I agee with you

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,104 Expert

    IMHO, NI could implement it fast. Anyway NA1/NA2 must send the computer "signature" and receive activation files. In case NI would like to use only one file format for files sent and received, NI could provide a new offline authorisation program for WinXP, Win10 and old MacOs versions….

  • silentio246
    silentio246 Member Posts: 54 Helper


    Old EULA clearly says what NI should do. And the licence is perpetual. I am pretty sure, that NI would loose in the legal sue. They IMHO rely on the fact, that nobody will sue them because of "few" old plugins. And if one does intend to do so, they offer enought "value" in exchange for "loss" that one does not bring it to the court. My wild guess is that they have evaluated that it is less expensive to do so than maintain old system… :-(

    The new EULA is not that clear and straitforward, but if NI would stop authorising certain SW like e.g. Absynth, they might loose at court as well. And stopping authorisation on Win10 is also IMHO break of new EULA. As old Native Access have run and still runs on Win10….

    Agreed 100%.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,093 Expert
    edited October 2024

    You guys keep copying and pasting everything from 15 years ago that you think might help.

    I do like your spirit.

    Good luck guys.


  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    @jjezier - I hope you get a suitable answer from NI. The whole subject of activation has come up numerous times and many, including myself, have voiced concerns about NI's activation process, or the lack thereof, for older systems. I agree totally that you should be able to continue using your products you paid for as long as you don't expect ongoing support like perpetual bug fixes etc, but you're not doing that. You simply want to use what you've paid for.

    Dont listen to the thought police around here telling/insinuating you're foolish if you dont keep up to date. If your NI software is doing what you want then good on you for sticking to your guns.

    I'm still waiting to hear what NI is going to do about offline activation and providing installers for legit customers, which they said they'de look into.

  • jjezier
    jjezier Member Posts: 17 Member


    Thanks for support

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