How can Icreate a channel strip for my drum library

vintagejay Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited September 2024 in Scripting Workshop

Hi, I've created a drum library. All the parts are in a group but I want to create a channel strip that contain volume slider, pan and mute. Is there a script resource that would have how to script that or even a drum template that I can just load my sounds into that already have a mixer? Thanks


  • theodorech
    theodorech Member Posts: 76 Member

    To control all the parts of a drum kit, you need to assign each part to its own group. For example, Group 0 can be the kick, Group 1 the snare, and so on. Then, you’ll route each group to a bus. To do this, just go to the backend, click on the group you want, and pick the right bus from the output menu.

    After that, you’ll need to adjust the parameters using the ui_control callback. Here's a simple example:

    on ui_control (mixer_kick_vol)
    set_engine_par(ENGINE_PAR_VOLUME, mixer_kick_vol, -1, -1, NI_BUS_OFFSET + 0)
    end on

    In this case, 0 represents the first bus. You can also use ENGINE_PAR_PAN for panning, ENGINE_PAR_TUNE for pitch, and so on.

    Side note: You can also route groups to busses using KSP → ENGINE_PAR_OUTPUT_CHANNEL.

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