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  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,125 mod

    VP clearly has personal issues

    Disagreeing with VocalPoint is both your right and your prerogative. However not only is your remark here off-topic , it also has the form of an accusation. Please stop the off-topic personal remarks !

    MLARS Member Posts: 117 Advisor

    Sorry if that was an overstep, will refrain from it again. But to be clear, seem to be plenty of forum user who do not like VP’s behavior. Maybe address it.

  • Rob Ainscough
    Rob Ainscough Member Posts: 61 Member
    edited September 6

    I paid my pre-order for $499 for 15 Collection, but like others, I'm not really see much "development" or at the very least changes that would benefit me? Is end user feedback reviewed at all by a product manager?

    No mention of fixing the horrible firmware update process involved with my S88.

    No mention of reworking the Konkart interface to make it easy to group sounds/instruments into a collections that I can name and quickly reference. My work around is still to create project templates in my DAW (Digital Performer) and add the various sounds/instruments to those template and then keep a bunch of templates in separate folders. This works, but it's definitely NOT the fastest way to review instruments and sounds and build a database of collections specific to my desires/needs. Why ignore such an important feature that not only could make the product better, but also MORE likely to get me to buy other NKS products.

    Then we have the VERY WORKIE issue of MIDI assignments (yes many of use have many MIDI devices) that are NOT intuitive at all and tiny, tiny font, often buried away in a menu or tiny icon leaving us wonder why we have no sound and no keyboard response.

    The audio assignment is very much like MIDI assignment problem, extremely workie … selection of ASIO then assignment of channels all in some bizarre column based grid. I get these aren't DAWs, but still, for sampling sounds/instruments Konkart is horrible!

    We should have "templates" we can save for everything MIDI and Audio and make it easy to assign/select and not buried away is some icon/menu.

    NI software development team seems to be missing a crucial member, someone who knows how to design a UI (user interface) for humans. ;)

    $499 is a lot of cash for what amounts to little or NO benefit … feels more like a money grab slapped together.

    I keep supporting the development team in "hope" something good and useful eventually comes out of this …


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,059 Expert

    I will address it myself.

    Your initial post (back on page 1) was a mix of some negative vibes and some solid questions as well.

    I only saw the negative vibes and reacted poorly.

    Would like to try to get back to original spirit of this thread by asking/posting reasonable questions and maybe gear down a bit on kicking this thing to the curb by posting what's "wrong" with K8 - and it has not even been released yet.

    Hoping we can get past this and rock on.


    MLARS Member Posts: 117 Advisor

    You are not a moderator so stop trying to be one.

    Customers on a product forum are allowed to provide feedback and speak their mind of the product they want improved.

    The subject in this thread is speculations and questions before release. There are many users in the thread, not only me, with pretty strong feedback shaping the current tone about Kontakt 8, and we are fully allowed to do so.

    Many users seem however tired of your behavior. Trying to change the narrative wont work.

    Muted again.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,391 Expert
    edited September 6

    This post pretty resumes NI secret weapon: an user guessing if Komplete 15 has anything for him, underlining all the things he perceives as wrong…but starting the post with an “I paid my pre-order for 499$ for 15 Collection”.

    Why should they fix what they do wrong or offer something really new?

    Users buy anyway… even better: users pre-order anyway

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 665 Guru

    I just love pre-order for digital software. Are they going to run out of copies or something? 🤣

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,391 Expert
    edited September 6

    Well… to be fair, with pre-order you’ll get Neutron 4 (even if the Elements version, which every now and then gets offered for free in many other ways), for the ones who are interested.

    So at least THERE IS one reason to pre-order.

  • Cristianruiz1
    Cristianruiz1 Member Posts: 52 Member

    Apparently some administrators like Kaiwan are very friends with Vocal Point, they ignore all people's complaints about of vocalpoint and Native Instruments but they support everything VocalPoint says, they are not very good at hiding, they already threatened me for saying that I suspect They work together, and they can block me, but they can't cover the sun with a finger, the truth is in the actions.

  • Rob Ainscough
    Rob Ainscough Member Posts: 61 Member

    So not supporting NI with one's wallet is good for NI how? Just hope they go out of business, what does that solve?


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,391 Expert

    Never said anything like that.

    And I wasn’t criticizing you, sorry if you thought so.

    In any case Komplete bundle’s update prices are big value for what they offer. Anyone can be interested in having so many products with such a big discount.

    The only part I don’t agree with is the one about supporting with the wallet. Usually I support someone deserving it, not someone working poorly/not fulfilling their duties just to avoid them to go out of business.

    Someone’s success or failure is the fruit of strategies, good or bad work, how they listen/care/respect their users….not a matter of charity

    MLARS Member Posts: 117 Advisor
    edited September 7

    Very discouraging, it damages the brand if admins and moderators are compromised.

    MLARS Member Posts: 117 Advisor
    edited September 7

    Please list, perhaps under the Support page, all the first party Kontakt instruments that has been converted for GUI scaling and a roadmap for planned updates, similar to how you disclose the MacOS NI software compatibility list.

    Suggest you also list all those which (for some reason) won't be updated. Transparency is important.

    MLARS Member Posts: 117 Advisor

    Neutron is nice, however I do not like that they use iZotope when bundling Komplete. Same thing with iZotope, do not like that they add Guitar Rig with the iZotope Production bundle. I already own these iZotope and NI products so for some customers like me, to cross bundle products like this does not really work.

    I rather see that they offer crossgrade discounts to buy iZotope products if you own a Komplete bundle and focus on only releasing more NI products in the Komplete bundles like it was before. That way the bundles cater to more customers.

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