feature request traktor midi mapping for denon prime 4+

dj amazing hybrid
dj amazing hybrid Member Posts: 3 Member

hi ,by any chance by the end of the year 2024 ,traktor can create a midi mapping or support the denon prime 4+ controller , like serato does ,it will be super amazing to use traktor pro 4 on the prime 4+ with all the new feature on trakor pro 4 provide,stem ,effect n many more,i post a picture of serato compatiable with prime 4


  • zilla
    zilla Member Posts: 1 Member

    I would also love to see such a thing .. I got myself a Prime 4+ this summer, but still do all my GRENZ House Party YouTube shows with S4Mk3 right now because it works so much better for hybrid sets than anything else for a number of reasons - master tempo is perfect for syncing, and Ableton Link works the best here in my experience too.

    I started trying to write my own mapping, and got some of the way there using the Controller Manager to start off with (and then https://github.com/cmdr-editor/cmdr to copy/paste common functionality).

    While trying to get an initial mapping together I found there aren't enough modifiers to go around, but Pedro Estrela had some interesting docs around using BOME https://dj-kb.readthedocs.io/bome_mappings/ to fill the void there which is great, but just adds a bit more complexity to the overall solution.

    Also not everything is MIDI mappable.

    The pad buttons, FX and Jogwheel OLED screens require MIDI sysex messages and Controller Manager has no support for that. https://github.com/ErikMinekus/traktor-api-client gave me inspiration to try handling this instead in the QML (I tried to use JZZ Javascript MIDI library from inside QML but couldn't get it working - if anyone wants to help me with this I would be interested in trying again). That library supports sending sysex commands which I suppose you could trigger on events in the QML.

    Of course even if it did work you'd need to know what sysex messages to send in order to make it work properly - well some of these messages have already been reverse engineered by other users (eg. https://github.com/icedream/denon-prime4 and https://github.com/whanake-music/denon-prime-4-analysis and make things work to a reasonable degree in other DJ software (eg. Mixxx), plus the Akai Force devices are InMusic too and share similarities in how they operate.

    A couple of months back I started trying to write a nodejs app which would take input over Websocket (I tried to open a websocket connection from the QML to my nodejs service and send raw data that way) but couldn't get that working either. I was going to see if I could write a service that intercepted midi and bridged the void of sysex messages and anything else that seemingly can't be done in the QML. But I got to the point that I realised I was not writing music and not DJing and spending all my time trying to make this work - so I went back to my trusty S4MK3 and hoped that something would change somewhere along the way.

    The biggest 'problem' is the 10" touch screen. Looks like thats done over HID, and although I found a few things out about that, I have a feeling Denon would need to push an update to Engine out that would add specific vendor support for Traktor in computer mode (probably a key to use HID interface of some kind) which effectively locks everyone else out.

    If an agreement can't or won't be possible for that, in an ideal world it would be great to have open access to the HID API so anyone can develop a good Traktor experience for the unit … but I guess that'll never happen. .Either way it seems a bit sad/unfair that this awesome controller we have cannot compete where Serato/VDJ etc can. There seems to be no technical reason why not.

    I love Traktor and really want to keep using it on my Prime 4+ and just can't properly. What a waste :(

    Please @Simon_NI I notice you mentioned in your Oct update that there might be improvements around controller mappings for Traktor coming, and I'm sure you're all very busy with all your other products, but I would love to know your thoughts on official support of the Prime 4/4+ units as all kinds of hearsay floats around on the possible reasons why it hasn't happened yet eg. https://community.enginedj.com/t/denon-dj-traktor/51947/29 but I don't believe there has been any official response about it so I'm sure there are a number of people here who are keen to hear from you on this.

    If CDJ3000's have had this for 3 years already, what is it that seems to get in the way of it happening for Prime 4/4+?

    Thanks! Ryan

  • dj_estrela
    dj_estrela Member Posts: 164 Pro

    great documentation of what was done open source, thanks

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