ui_xy XY Pad, $NI_MOUSE_EVENT_TYPE and Pitch Bend on a Surface Pro 3

samriccijr Member Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2024 in Scripting Workshop

Hi All! This is my first script post.

I am running Kontakt 5 on a Surface Pro 3 with Win10. I made a multi script that has 12 instrument program buttons, 6 cc knobs, a modulation slider and a XY Pad for pitch bend. I want to use the Surface instead of external controllers so I can be keyboard independent, i.e., I can walk into any gig, plug into any keyboard, and control my sounds.

I can select programs in the instrument bank, and I can transmit CCS using the script knobs. I can transmit pitch bend but I cannot re-center the XY pad.

When I lift the left mouse button, I want to center the X axis of the pad (0.5 or 8192). All other cases I want to transmit pitch bend.

Here is my script:

on init
	declare ui_xy ?myXY[2]
	declare $xyID
	$xyID := get_ui_id(?myXY)		
	set_control_par_str_arr($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_AUTOMATION_NAME, ...
	 	"Bend", 0)
	set_control_par_str_arr($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_AUTOMATION_NAME, ...
	 	"Unused", 1)
	set_control_par($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_MOUSE_MODE, 0)
	set_control_par($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_MOUSE_BEHAVIOUR_X, 1000) 
	set_control_par($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_MOUSE_BEHAVIOUR_Y, 10)
	set_control_par($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_POS_X, 50)
	set_control_par($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_POS_Y, 50)
	set_control_par($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_WIDTH, 200)
	set_control_par($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_HEIGHT, 50)
	{move the cursors to the center of the XY pad}
	?myXY[0] := 0.5 {1st cursor, X axis}
	?myXY[1] := 0.5 {1st cursor, Y axis}
	end on

on ui_control (?myXY)	
		?myXY[0] :=0.5 {set pitch bend to neutral}
		set_midi(0,$MIDI_COMMAND_PITCH_BEND,lsb(real_to_int(16383.0 * ?myXY[0])),msb(real_to_int(16383.0 * ?myXY[0])))
		set_midi(0,$MIDI_COMMAND_PITCH_BEND,lsb(real_to_int(16383.0 * ?myXY[0])),msb(real_to_int(16383.0 * ?myXY[0]))){transmit pitch bend}
	end if
	?myXY[1] := 0.5
	message( real_to_int(16383.0 * ?myXY[0]) )
end on

I think my mistake is with the "if $NI_MOUSE..." statement.

Thank you for your help!

Sam in NJ USA


  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod
    edited May 2022

    It seems to work just fine over here? Although you could in theory do it with just one set_midi() command (do it outside of if clause). And maybe use a helper variable to do the real_to_int() part only once.

  • samriccijr
    samriccijr Member Posts: 2 Member

    Thank you @EvilDragon! This script works in Kontakt 6. Kontakt 5.8.1 apparently does not like $NI_MOUSE_EVENT_TYPE_LEFT_BUTTON_UP. And I am still learning the type mismatches ~@$%

    Some tips when using knobs/sliders on a Surface Pro 3:

    1: Bigger is better. Make the knobs and sliders as big as you can manage.

    2: It's all in the technique. a: Touch and release the knob/slider, then b: within a half-second re-touch and drag the knob/slider. This gives the smoothest knob/slider response.

    3: Potayyto or Potahhto: Today I prefer touch sliders over touch knobs because you can see the position more clearly. Tomorrow I will prefer knobs because of space ergonomics.

    4: No Multi-Touch. The Surface Pro 3 does not have multi-touch, so you cannot hold a finger on the Kontakt (Surface) keyboard and turn a Kontakt (Surface) knob.

    5: Use ASIO4ALL to reduce latency on the Surface Pro.

    I like this setup more every day....

    here is the updated pitch bender code for Kontakt 6. Happy Surface Pitch Bends lol!

    Thank you! Sam in NJ USA

    on init
    	declare ui_xy ?myXY[2]
    	declare $xyID
    	$xyID := get_ui_id(?myXY)		
    	set_control_par_str_arr($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_AUTOMATION_NAME, ...
    	 	"Bend", 0)
    	set_control_par_str_arr($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_AUTOMATION_NAME, ...
    	 	"Unused", 1)
    	set_control_par($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_MOUSE_MODE, 0)
    	set_control_par($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_MOUSE_BEHAVIOUR_X, 1000) 
    	set_control_par($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_MOUSE_BEHAVIOUR_Y, 10)
    	set_control_par($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_POS_X, 50)
    	set_control_par($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_POS_Y, 50)
    	set_control_par($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_WIDTH, 200)
    	set_control_par($xyID, $CONTROL_PAR_HEIGHT, 50)
    	?myXY[0] := 0.5
    	?myXY[1] := 0.5
    	end on
    on ui_control (?myXY)
              {lift left mouse button}
    		?myXY[0] :=0.50005 {center pitch at 8192 0x00 0x64}
    	end if
    		set_midi(0,$MIDI_COMMAND_PITCH_BEND,lsb(real_to_int(16383.0 * ?myXY[0])),msb(real_to_int(16383.0 * ?myXY[0])))
    	?myXY[1] := 0.50005 {not using y axis}
    	message( real_to_int(16383.0 * ?myXY[0]) )
    end on

  • EvilDragon
    EvilDragon Moderator Posts: 1,031 mod

    It could be there were some bugfixes in ui_xy implementation between K5 and K6.

    Also multitouch won't work at all with Kontakt, even if your touchscreen supports it. It's purely a single cursor app.

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