NKS Development Discussion



  • ricksa82
    ricksa82 Member Posts: 19 Member

    Hi and thank you all for these NKS Files. I have added some in for the Output Plugins. Portal and Movement are working great, however I don’t have and can’t find or I’ve missed the preset files for Thermal, is there a link? Many thanks

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited November 2022

    Thankyou - I'm sure I will

    Perfect timing :)

  • Christos Adamos
    Christos Adamos Member Posts: 130 Pro

    Abyss NKS VST3 (Fixed)

    Fixed wrong category in KK browser and merged different Factory banks.

    Please download this version and ignore the previous post


    Thanks Kymeia for pointing this!

  • Mercury
    Mercury Member Posts: 102 Advisor
    edited November 2022

    I'm working on Aly James Lab OB-Xtreme2 (VST3). Mapping, tagging and banks are done but I'm stucked with previews making.

    As I pointed before jhorology tool doesn't work with VST3 and the latest release of MASCHINE doesn't support this vsti very well and crashed when I'm using it to export audio.

    I will appreciate if anyone could explain to me an easy way to mass create previews within a DAW (Reaper for example) ?

    or any other method of course 😊

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,773 mod

    Hey guys

    I decided to start working with NKS presets, especially for VST3 and the things are simply... frustrating 🤔

    I have no idea how to use code and scripts (such as gulp etc.) because i am familiar with Windows graphic environment. However i decided to give it a try, download all the tools i found (including python, nodejs and a LOT of Visual studio updates -over 3 giga of stuff that i had no idea how to use- even if i read all their instructions)! So, after 2 days of headache and frustration i removed everything and i start working with the excellent (and fully understandable) PresetMagician, even if it not recognize VST3. And i made a lot of presets for VST2 plugins for practice (however, most of them already exists online by some of you guys, but i might have some banks to upload, ie, almost 200 alternate banks for Zebra!).

    Now, back on VST3 and the modern plugins. For start i mainly focused on the Tone2 plugins (Electra, Icarus, Nemesis, RayBlaster and Saurus). The idea was to create VST2 versions (mostly for the automated NI resources and the creation of the banks) and then to use their VST3 versions on Maschine and start overwrite them, one by one.

    I successfully did the first bank of Electra (ArpMultilayer) however, when i re-open Maschine, the presets were there fully working, but the bank was gone (the bank name from inside the presets)! So, i open the first preset with a Hex editor, to investigate and fix, but alas, every attempt ended up with a message from Maschine "Fail to load".

    Any suggestions about what i am doing wrong (or why i can not update bank name from inside Maschine) will be highly appreciated! Thank you.

  • Christos Adamos
    Christos Adamos Member Posts: 130 Pro

    I had done it quite some years ago with Reaper

    Just use an automation software and send mouse cklicks for Recording, Stop, rename items etc

    After that you need to trim, normalize and render items

    Also you need some changes to global reaper preferences. Let me know if you need further explanation

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited November 2022

    Tone2 plugins are not able to migrate and given the developer's hostility to VST3 (https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=589560) I would not be surprised if he is very reluctant to implement the changes needed to support migration. I also would not be surprised if there were quite a few incompatibilities between the 2 versions such as in terms of param orders. If I was you I would start from scratch with creating NKS using the VST3 versions - I would have made templates myself but only have one of their plugins (Nemesis) and at the moment am resigned to just running that using Rosetta if I want NKS but I will probably make a control template for that so I can then at least control it without Rosetta.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,882 Expert

    It’s possible to upgrade them, the core preset data does not differ, only the NKS data for the loading and the control data. I have Spectrasonics almost complete, it’s time consuming and laborious but has to be done. Will have all the cherry audio and korg soon but not rushing anything and working when I have the time while still doing new libraries (such as Steinberg and the rest of Roland).

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited November 2022

    OK just made a test VST3 template for Tone2 Nemesis and my suspicions were correct, the VST3 version params are completely out of sync with the VST2 and worse, mapped params (in KK) do not update their positions when you switch presets with the VST3 (regardless of whether it is run under Rosetta or not) - it's like the VST3 is not sending messages to the host about param positions. So it looks like Tone 2 VST3 is broken as far as NKS is concerned at the moment. Back to Rosetta, the VST2 works fine.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,882 Expert

    params will need redoing, that’s simple, but in some cases when you create a new template you first have to reload a plug-in sometimes before the feedback starts to work. I have that with a few plugins where it doesn’t show feedback until you reload the plug-in. From then on it’s usually fine. If the issue is specific to Apple silicone or whatever the latest OS is (I’m still on macOS 11) that’s a concern for further down the road.

    I speak with Marcus from Tone2 direct so if something is wrong I’ll send him the details.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    I tried that and the problem is the same with the VST3 even using Rosetta - just made a report about it in the Nemesis thread on KvR

  • Peter Kilgour
    Peter Kilgour Member Posts: 10 Member

    Fantastic as I have pretty well all of the Spectrasonics and Cherry audio libraries from you!

  • Rikk Show
    Rikk Show Member Posts: 102 Helper
    edited November 2022

    Use Maschine if you have. Much easier. You drop in the NKS preset on a Sound, add midi, then do an Export. All that is left is just to batch convert the names, remove some text and keep only the preset name that Maschine includes. Then batch convert to ogg. I just load up 60 or so instances of a plugin in a Maschine template and Export, goes really fast as Maschine INCLUDES the preset name in the rendered wav file.

  • Rikk Show
    Rikk Show Member Posts: 102 Helper

    Assigning one parameter to multiple knobs. Sometimes you want a synth parameter on every NKS page.

    How do you do that?

    Diva NKS files have the same reverb mix parameter assigned to multiple knobs on different pages, so it IS possible, but how?

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