Share your no. 1 Maschine tips



  • MaxPtah
    MaxPtah Member Posts: 7 Member

    Learned this while just playing around and trying to figure out using Lockstates. Ended searching and seeing Red Means Recording video on it and learned a lot more. But this is a tip on how I use lockstates to arrange songs on the fly:

    and here's a bonus one on my favorite expansions for Maschine:

  • Trekkie
    Trekkie Member Posts: 38 Member

    Here's my tip. This YouTube channel is hands down some of the best Mashine Mk3/+ content out there.

    He also has a class/video series teaching how to use it, and the flash card section is worth the price alone. Ever wondered 'how do I do this thing'? he has flash cards for every thing. Broken down by category/type, including some quiz features to help you memorize. The most under-rated Mashine Specific YouTube channel out there. Only about a year old too so a lot of recent content.

    Completely unsponsored from what I can tell. It has helped me immensely learn the ins and outs of things I didn't grasp yet. Even breaks down a full performance using the Mashine in most recent video.

  • Chevy R
    Chevy R Member Posts: 5 Member

    Specifically for arranging:

    Turn off pattern link! When you duplicate a Scene it will also duplicate the associated patterns. This is incredibly handy for expanding on themes from one Scene to the next. I use it in several different ways:

    Slight variations

    Subtractive arrangements (dropping out elements)

    Adding new Elements

    Transition FX

    -rolls, ratches, SFX etc.

  • anzbert
    anzbert Member Posts: 47 Helper
    edited November 2024

    The Digitakt 2 introduced a Comb Filter and me and others quite liked it. After a bit of research, I found out that Maschine and even Maschine Plus standalone had a comb filter all along 🤦‍♂️

    Once you realise that a Flanger is basically a comb filter, once you just set the MOD value to zero, it's pretty straightforward. That removes the Flanger typical movement character of the effect, and makes it static, like the Elektron comb filter. And now you can set the Frequency, Feedback, Invert and Dry/Wet to taste, for some comby sound design :)

    The Digitakt 2 also has a low pass filter as part of the comb filter. That of course can easily be done by adding a filter effect after the Flanger.

    Have fun :)

  • ArtisanS
    ArtisanS Member Posts: 22 Member

    Don't bother to buy one. Seriously you should be ashamed deep in the red of the quality of Maschine 3.0 update. This is an update that brings few upgrades and nothing but trouble. Now after first bugfix on of the most embarrasing errors, so the dials on Massive X stopped behaving like a dancing freak on steroids (laugable), by the way Funk Guitar behaves still like a freak. But incomplete user interface, either before or after my monitor takes a nap (4070 TI graphics card on a i9 motherboard carrying 64 Gb of memory and 12 Tb of data).

    I'm a fan of NI sounds….Massive X is one of the best wavetable synth in existence, and Reaktor and Kontakt are cool. But Maschine…..nah, next investment in hardware controllers will be a Akai Force and Ableton (which I hate). No choice with this kind of software quality management.


    ALDREAD Member Posts: 347 Pro
    edited December 2024

    REX files work with maschine
    Even tho I’ve use maschine for 10 years , Ive just discovered that Rex files are compatible , tbf it never occurred to me they would be , and back then I didn’t have any, but after tracking down some old 90s jungle sample cds I ended up with those classic breaks in Rex format .
    anyway ….
    drag them to pad , and it auto slices to zone and imports the midi file for correct note placement, super easy to then edit the patterns and make your own version, copy to another sound to add fx to different samples .

    You can drag to group , and it will split the first 16 samples to sound slots, but those breaks generally have more than 16 samples , there are some that can work that way as they are 4 bars that repeat the first bar

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,360 Expert
    edited December 2024

    That's great, but REX don't work with the Maschine+ standalone. There's infamously one expansion (Prismatic Bliss) that contains some REX files, and it's not possible to install it on the Maschine+

    Why they didn't test it or make a specific version that worked for standalone I have no idea.

    ALDREAD Member Posts: 347 Pro
    edited March 1

    Good to know , I hadn’t noticed them included on a expansion, I suppose in that case , you’d import using the software version, save with samples and copy to plus

    I’ll add you can’t save with samples with a Rex file , you can save the group/sound with samples and it will save the Rex file

    You can use iced audio finder to convert Rex to aiff , with separate slices , then convert to wav

  • IQMusic
    IQMusic Member Posts: 114 Helper
    edited January 22

    I like the combining of groups/kits as it makes use of Machine’s kits/patterns selection, the combination of building up a combination groups.

    For this approach I’ll start by playing kits together (remixing) auditioning kit patterns, apply kit to project and play it on loop. Create a new group* and select another kit and listen if it pairs with the previous kit well, repeat the process and have a bunch of kit’s that groove well together, ready for song structuring. Can edit or mute necessary parts for, Drums, Bass, leads or vocals. Mix and match, have fun, Aye presto, this is one of my most favoured things about Maschine ; ) it’s a top feature.

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 211 Pro
    edited February 7

    Making Binaural Synth Patches with Maschine Autosampler

    I have been lusting for a preset hardware synth, specifically UDO Super 6. So, while I wait to generate funds I thought, can I leverage Maschine and some quarky monos to get that lush, huge, binaural thing I want from the UDO. Turns out, yes! The results are unique but on par with what I hear with the UDO demos. My goal, lush, dynamic pads, binaural pads, here is how I did it:

    1. I set my mono Studio Electronic Boomstar 4075 for a poly-aimed patch
    2. Set a Multisample with a long sample length (12-20s), sampling every 3rd note in the range I want at 1-4 velocity levels.
    3. Set the sampler to stereo and send the Boomstar out to the L channel
    4. Sample it
    5. Then, sample a second layer to the R channel with slight variations. The Boomstar is an unstable and beautiful beast, so there will already be variation from L to R, however, doing things like slightly slower filter attack, maybe slightly change an LFO speed or slight mod to an oscillator, a nudge on the cutoff…mod to taste but keep it slight. I like to nudge the cutoff and slow filter attach so there is movement from left to right. Key is slight changes.
    6. Now you have two layers, one with L content and one with Right. You can be done here and wash yourself in a lush Binaural bath of synthy goodness, but if you sum this to a separate channel, you will halve the data.
    7. "Save sound with samples" so you don't lose your data. Add sampler modulation for more dynamics, some delay, and verb, and you'll have a sound that is as good as or better than a really expensive synth.

    Tip: Take a mono sample, slightly adjust the start point up to 4%, and sample into a new sound. Return the start point of the original sample, then sum to a new sound, and you have made a binaural beating patch!

    I really love the effect of this. If I find time to make a how-to video, I'll post it.

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 211 Pro
    edited February 7

    Here are a couple of the sounds I made with Boomstar. A creamy lead/bass monaural patch and a binaural one.

    I hope there are a few improvements to the auto sampler, like modulating everything with the mod envelope and LFO and the ability to turn the loop function on and off globally at some point. I'm hooked on Autosampler, so I'll be doing this forever.

  • CaptainCubase
    CaptainCubase Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    A usefull tips for those who are upset to get the double windows inside your DAW when you guys are using the Maschine MK3 hardware to use the benefit of NKS (Maschine VST + the VST you are using inside Maschine). Recently I found a way, pretty simple actually, you need to put the Maschine hardware inside his original box and throw it to trash and never using it again. Honestly, I will get ban if I start to talk… Thanks for the SCAM, but NI is over for me, they think we are COW….. It's crazy in 2025 to get double windows like this in a DAW, Native was like drunk or what? "Guys let's put a DAW inside another DAW, and then if the user close the Maschine windows to just keep the vst open, it will not work, because she will disappears when you close the Maschine VST", what a great decision, what a smart people working there….

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