Does installing Native Access no longer make me eligible for a return?

triser Member Posts: 9 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Native Access


I was super excited to receive my s88 today but after spending all day, and more $$ just trying to power it up, and after reading deeper into reviews about broken keys and glitchy software, I am terrified to install anything.

Does installing Native Access and running firmware updates no longer allow me to make a return? If I install Native Access and attempt try the keyboard with a third party soft-synth does that count as "downloading a registered product"? I really need to play it some to see how it feels and see if there are issues with the keys before I lose my ability to return it.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,995 mod
    edited June 2024

    Normally then using an item will most often in normal retail situation lessen return value unless item is proven defective or if there are a likewise grounds for a return. It is impossible for me to tell what is exact policy by N.I. or where else you bought in your specific situation so I would be unable to tell.

    I really need to play it some to see how it feels and see if there are issues with the keys before I lose my ability to return it.

    You can just connect it to your computer through the midi plug which available when the keyboard is not running connected with the N.I. apps , but as far as I know then at the moment you can not yet set midi templates on keyboard so not much available as settings , just remember to set it to midi 1.0

    Check the manual if need be.

    Alternatively then ask N.I. Purchase Support or support where you bought the item.

    P.S. : I have full understanding for that the situation may be less than optimal for some users with respect to the S-Series MK3 keyboard. However , even if a user having problems getting the keyboard to function could possibly (?) increase the chance of getting a full refund then still only seller (on consumer rights experts ?) can advise on returns and your right to same and I am not in a position to do so other than to refer to what is your normal rights as a 'consumer' where you live.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,225 mod
    edited June 2024

    You can return within two weeks as you bought a hardware product. Details here -

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,031 Guru

    Just remember the saying about "squeaky wheels". I received my keyboard in January and it's been working perfectly using it every single day. Yes, there are some functions that are still to come, but it does everything it's supposed to be doing at this point with no problems. I'm sure there are plenty more like myself out there but aren't motivated to come on here unless they have a problem or complaint.

    As far as setup, make sure you follow all the directions in the following post step-by-step including all the external links.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    @triser Please keep in mind but what you see in there is not the majority of cases, there are very few people that will go on the forum just to comment that everything is working as it should. Also the keyboard is a hardware device so this rule doesn't apply, it's only for software (and under certain circumstances). Our support team is also here to help you in any issue you're having. You can get in touch here:

  • triser
    triser Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    Hi, Thanks for responding all. I am still not sure if I can move forward. I bought the "standard" package which includes soft synths etc. So there is no clear delineation between what part of the purchase is software and what is hardware. In order to test this with a third party synth I need to install three things ( I think) : Native access, a hardware connection program, and a firmware update. If I take the return policy at face value ("purchased software") then installing this will cross the line. FYI, I purchased directly from NI.

    If you are listening to your customers please realize: Getting a fancy new product that requires hours of research and extra money just to turn it on is a horrible experience. While researching the power issue, I came across all the negative stuff. It completely flipped a switch in my mind, from being super excited to being very skeptical and frankly scared to even touch the thing.

    Jeremy: If you see my ticket in the system can you please let me know numbers related to my specific purchase. If I do move forward with fully installing Komplete but then decide to return the synth, what is the breakdown of my liability?

    Thanks Again. The community and support are off to a good start.

  • triser
    triser Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    Order: 60001387812C

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    @triser I understand, I will forward your comments to the responsible teams. Please also note that most of the issues were solved in between. If something is not working, it's our job to make it work. You can install software, no worries. These return policies is for people cancelling orders, etc…your case is slightly different. My question is, do you have any other technical issues you need help with? Is the keyboard functional?

    Just in case of, since it's the weekend and our offices are closed, here are a few articles and videos that might help you.

    If you still have issues you can get in touch with our support here:

  • triser
    triser Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    Thanks. I haven't made it far enough to know if I'm having technical issues. I arrived at NI because I hope USB C will finally, after 40 years of trying, fix the latency issues. If I can load up a piano effect and just play, we will already be further along than I have ever been (and I am a web developer). This stuff is so frustrating. A quick fix solution would be to offer a powered USB cable during checkout. Mentally prepare people for this gut punch problem. For the next iteration… just put a damn power cord on it. LOL. Thanks again.

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