Kontact 6.6.1 free player product list

guitarphil Member Posts: 8 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Hello everyone IAM an older iMac user 10.13.6 2011 I really can't afford a new iMac I wanted to know , when IAM trying to purchase a product it doesn't say from which free player it's compatible with only it works with the free player this is rather annoying cause I can't buy anything for kontact 6.7.1. or kontact 7 but if there was a list of older orchestral products for the free kontact 6 player it would be so helpful I wouldn't need to open a ticket which is so hard to do these days IAM interested in cinesample products orchestral tools. 8dio some of strezov products and anything that will work with kontact 6 player any help would be so appreciated yours sincerely Phil 🙏

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