How to install, Next to Available is not Install but Locate

Michael Suerbier
Michael Suerbier Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Q: Translation inserted by Moderator (translation by DeepL)

Next to “Available” is not “Install”, but “Locate”. But the instrument has already been uninstalled. I would like to reinstall it.

Unfortunately, the help does not provide a solution for this (apparently very rare) case.

Maybe there's someone here who knows about it.

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Best Answer

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,014 mod
    Answer ✓

    You most likely got an email with download instructions when you bough the library. You might have to contact Sonuscore support.

    Third-Party KONTAKT Libraries - Licensed vs. Unlicensed

    Setting up a Third Party KONTAKT Library [VIDEO]

    Third-party libraries - Installation

    That depends , some third-party library makers gives you a serial to redeem in Native Access and gives you a download from third-party library maker that you install and then use locate function (found at three little dots menu lower right of product picture) in Native Access to get Native Access to 'accept' the library and it will then show when you open Kontakt or Komplete Kontrol stand alone .

    A lot of other makes just gives you a zip file to download that you will then have to un-zip and then copy to the Kontakt user library and then you navigate to it in the file browser and open it from there.

    Kontakt also have the ability in options - libraries to un-check (hide) libraries , but it does not sound as that is your problem.


  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 565 Pro
    edited May 2024

    If it says “Locate”, then it is a Kontakt library not provided by Native Instruments. You would then have to download the library from the manufacturer and guide Native Access to the location of the library via “Locate”.

    Which library is it exactly?

  • Michael Suerbier
    Michael Suerbier Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    It´s The Orchestra from Sonuscore

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 565 Pro
    edited May 2024

    Then you will have to download it from Sonuscore.

    After you've done so, click on "Locate" in Native Access, and point it to the location which contains the library.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,014 mod
    Answer ✓

    You most likely got an email with download instructions when you bough the library. You might have to contact Sonuscore support.

    Third-Party KONTAKT Libraries - Licensed vs. Unlicensed

    Setting up a Third Party KONTAKT Library [VIDEO]

    Third-party libraries - Installation

    That depends , some third-party library makers gives you a serial to redeem in Native Access and gives you a download from third-party library maker that you install and then use locate function (found at three little dots menu lower right of product picture) in Native Access to get Native Access to 'accept' the library and it will then show when you open Kontakt or Komplete Kontrol stand alone .

    A lot of other makes just gives you a zip file to download that you will then have to un-zip and then copy to the Kontakt user library and then you navigate to it in the file browser and open it from there.

    Kontakt also have the ability in options - libraries to un-check (hide) libraries , but it does not sound as that is your problem.

  • Michael Suerbier
    Michael Suerbier Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Thanks for your help, guys. A shame on Native´s IT.

This discussion has been closed.
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