Copying my Factory Library to my User Library- Pros and Cons



  • ginko
    ginko Member Posts: 23 Member

    Thanks, that's useful info.

    I now have my full library in the USER tab in Maschine. It's quite interesting never to have to go to the factory tab again. Saving user presets works seamlessly. All my user and factory presets in one interface with tagging to deliniate. Just like the old days :)

    But time will tell.

    For the moment, for missing Previews, I just hit the USER button on the MK3 which takes me to the factory version of the instrument where the Previews still work. The factory and user libraries track each other as to what is selected in the other so it's a quick fix.

  • ginko
    ginko Member Posts: 23 Member

    I now have found all the relevant audio Previews for my whole library.

    It took some work, as searching the NBPL Previews folder is made difficult with the presets in hidden folders and I couldn't find a way to search hidden folders on Mac (revealing them is easy). Folders on a higher level can be searched, if they exist but they often don't. Sometimes I just had to roll my sleeves up and get stuck in.

    In the end I managed to find all the Previews I needed and I now operate my whole NKS experience from a unified factory/user interface.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited January 2024

    @ginko said: I couldn't find a way to search hidden folders on Mac (revealing them is easy).

    Install EasyFind, it's a godsend for better MacOS searching:

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