When can i expect Komplete Kontrol to revert back to old strengths?



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 2,805 Expert

    Yes, you may download it in legacy SW section, or maybe even at KK download page.

  • JonnySilk
    JonnySilk Member Posts: 6 Member

    @Itai Yeah dude, there is

    In the product page on NI Access there's instructions on how to uninstall KK 3

    Then, you just search here in the community, I think someone posted the legacy download file in here. Or you could google it and it'll show it in here too. I'm so glad i reverted back to KK 2, 3 needs some improvements.

  • hubi
    hubi Member Posts: 4 Member

    i loved KK 2.X - so intuitive and user friendly. KK 3.X is unusable imho. multiple times i thought lets give it another try. but it's just insane and i end up not using it. inexplicable how this ever got signed of.

  • dogbreath11
    dogbreath11 Member Posts: 62 Newcomer

    same here, i want it to work so bad that i keep going back trying to convince myself its fine but its not so i revert back to kk 2. ive finally given up on kk3

  • MyStudioOne
    MyStudioOne Member Posts: 255 Pro
    edited January 27

    I am 100% what they call an "early adopter" and I cannot help myself when it comes to upgrades on any software I own.

    I don't recall installing an "upgrade" for any software I use regularly and then so quickly reverted back to the prior version.

    Until KK 3.0 that is. And the question is then, "what constitutes an upgrade?", because it didn't feel like much of an upgrade to me. Not by a long shot. So why would they sell this as an upgrade for MK2 users when it arguably is not? I guess the answer boils down to future support for any keyboards prior to the MK3.

    Ironically, I think the new product would have likely been far further along on its development had the team not been hamstrung by the fact that everything they did had to work on 2 entirely different pieces of hardware.

    At least 2.9.6 works perfectly well, except it sucks knowing that there will presumably never be another true update for us MK2 users. The truth is they are just dragging MK2 owners along for the 3.0 ride so they can say the MK2 is still supported, unlike the MK1 owners (which I also am!)

    They would have been more wise to keep upgrading 2.9 until they had 3.0 more polished. But failure to release the MK3 for X'mas would have likely resulted in some beheadings.

    Thing is, I am into Orchestral music and I am so hooked on having the light guide on the keyboard. But it isn't like I can't see that on screen. And the truth is, I have been losing out on having features offered by others just for the sake of this.

    The silence is deafening when it comes to getting any kind of a response with respect to whether they will restore some of the features that we know and love (referring to original post). But if they had any intention to do so, surely they would have indicated as such in order to get some of us off their backs?

  • Hywel
    Hywel Member Posts: 25 Member

    S88 MK1 owner here, so have been scouting alternative controllers, I really don't want to risk a MK3 after reading all the travails since launch nearly 4 months ago now.

    My MK1 is still working at the moment because KK 2.X is still working (fundamentally pretty much the same as it did when KK first launched).

    Like yourself @MyStudioOne I have found the Light Guide to be the single most useful tool in the NKS system - outlining the range of instrument notes and where applicable, where the non-sounding note switches are. I have no need for poly aftertouch or any of the other play assist features.

    I have tried in recent months to try to adapt my workflow using the Kontakt on screen display (via Edit View for the instruments in my template using KK) using my smaller non-NKS keyboard (Roland) just below my monitor for note input which I have to say has been reasonably successful. I still need to use the S88 (situated away from my monitor) for piano input but then the Light Guide isn't necessary anyway so it's a win! I think I'll be ready for when my S88 becomes a MIDI controller only...

    The NI folks certainly have their hands full both with updating the KK3 software AND with answering the multiple queries and gripes on these boards. I have to hand it to them - I think I would have given up long ago.

    I searched Google earlier to see if I could find any independent reviews (either written or on video) of the MK3 Kontrol S-Series that weren't the ones available on release from the "NI Influencers" but couldn't find any that used the keys in "real life" situations as it were. I do find this a little strange as we approach the 4 month mark and having just gone through Christmas... but maybe it is still early in the product life cycle.

  • dogbreath11
    dogbreath11 Member Posts: 62 Newcomer
    come back to see if there was any updates on kk3 software but there is not, doesnt look like its going to happen, guess im just going to have to fade komlete kontrol out of my workflow. ni are bang out of order for downgrading something we have already paid for and use extensively
  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 522 Pro
    edited February 17

    Fear of change is one of the greatest and most documented fears people have. Once you're comfortable with using something taking on a learning curve is a big obstacle. I've been using KK2 for a couple of years with my S49 MK2. It was okay, but I still found it easier to do most things in Kontakt when working on projects.

    I upgraded to KK3 when it came out but it never really had much of an impact on me as I only rarely used KK on my projects and just depended on my S49 as a MIDI controller for Kontakt. That is until I recently purchased the S99 MK3. Yes, KK3 is a different paradigm, but when used with a keyboard designed exclusively for it there's a WORLD of difference in how you organize your workflow and I've now transitioned to primarily using KK3 as my most common interface for all my projects.

    I got my S99 a week ago and after getting it setup, updated and configured started working on a new project on Thursday using KK3. Yes there are still a couple of small glitches that are being worked on, but I completed the project and finalized it this morning and the new features and capabilities within the keyboard and KK3 were at the heart of what made this so easy to complete. Even my non NI libraries benefited substantially because of the increased capabilities of the keyboard.

    Did I have to spend time experimenting and understanding the new features? Yes. And I'm still not completely solid yet on how to proficiently use everything. But there's no doubt as I get more comfortable this is going to be a HUGE boost to my productivity. I'm not a person that jumps onto any "new" thing just because it's new. I'm still on Windows 10 and have no plans yet to upgrade to Windows 11 because there are no compelling new features that address things I could really benefit from. That's not the case with the new NI keyboards and the new KK.

  • Thomas Wagner
    Thomas Wagner Member Posts: 7 Member

    I purchased the S88 MK3 as I thought getting an improvement to my old MK1, but wasn't aware that the MK3 killed the browser function in the DAW as it was before. This crashed my whole workflow by no longer being able to search for specific sounds and favorite them for future use. Has anyone heard if they are working on this matter? I will use my MK1 again, as I bought obviously something not mature.

  • Hywel
    Hywel Member Posts: 25 Member

    Do you have difficulty counting @DunedinDragon? It's an S88 whether it's a Mk1, 2 or 3...

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 522 Pro

    Did you have a lot of difficulties in reading comprehension in 2nd grade? I'm referring to different controllers, one is a 49 the other is a 99, one is a MK2 the other is a MK3. Or maybe it was just math that was your weakness. Sorry if that distracted you from your whining.....

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 522 Pro
    edited February 17

    I'm still new to my S88 but Favorites are and User Favorites are still there under the Browser as long as KK is loaded.

  • Hywel
    Hywel Member Posts: 25 Member

    The number equates to the number of actual keys on the keyboard - try counting them... there are 88 on an S88.

    Have a great day.


  • Thomas Wagner
    Thomas Wagner Member Posts: 7 Member

    I am talking about the browser in the DAW (Cubase) when you have loaded an instrument. With my MK1 you always had the browser on the left side of the screen next to the instrument and this is no longer there. You can switch to the browser with the MK3, but this is an extra step to do, what nobody needs.

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