Nothing work in the "effects" category on my Maschine Studio

lil_lona15 Member Posts: 9 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hello, so I have this little problem with my Maschine Studio, everything in my "effects" category doesn't work, there is no sound on any of them.


Best Answer

  • lil_lona15
    lil_lona15 Member Posts: 9 Newcomer
    edited December 2023 Answer ✓

    Yes I know that hahahah, but when I loaded an instrument everything cut (the sound), I contacted the support team of native instruments, but I keep trying to understand where was the problem all day, and at some point I was just annoyed, and I just started deleting and reinstalling everything multiple times until it worked, even though this may not be a great way to resolve the problem i made it work, so I still don’t know what was the problem but somehow now it work.


  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru


    Which OS and DAW are you using, sir?

  • lil_lona15
    lil_lona15 Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    hello, so I'm using Logic Pro and I am Mac OS Ventura 13.5

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    Ok... said that your 'effects' doesn't work, and you can't hear them?

    Maybe it has to do with the audio engine settings.

    Try changing them up a little bit.

    Let me know if it helped, sir.

  • lil_lona15
    lil_lona15 Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    The thing is that everything work except them, that's why I found it kinda weird, every category work and everything has a sound except the "effects" category

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    So, the problem is that when you put the effect from an 'effects' file, you can't hear the sound after that...right?

    Maybe you should check the audio settings inside your product then, not the DAW.

    Either that, or to just reinstall the product.

    Let me know if any of these worked, good sir.

  • lil_lona15
    lil_lona15 Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    Yes exactly, so I already try the delete and reinstall, it didn't work.

    I just looked in the audio settings and everything is right I even change the audio to see if it maybe it work on one of the two only, but now it didn't work on the two of them.

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    Well, sir... I tried my best.

    Maybe someone else will help.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    FX have no sound... unless you load them after loading an Instrument that produces sounds, then it applies the FX to that sound.

    Is there an instrument loaded before you add FX?

  • lil_lona15
    lil_lona15 Member Posts: 9 Newcomer
    edited December 2023 Answer ✓

    Yes I know that hahahah, but when I loaded an instrument everything cut (the sound), I contacted the support team of native instruments, but I keep trying to understand where was the problem all day, and at some point I was just annoyed, and I just started deleting and reinstalling everything multiple times until it worked, even though this may not be a great way to resolve the problem i made it work, so I still don’t know what was the problem but somehow now it work.

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