Kontakt 7 crashes in Fl Studio 21 when changing presets (KT-8739)



  • MarcusOlivus
    MarcusOlivus Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    @Jeremy_NI, it happens when I switch between Modern Mix and Classical Mix.

  • echoesfrominfinity
    echoesfrominfinity Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    edited December 2023

    @Jeremy_NI, While using Nucleus, the crash doesn't happen when changing articulations, but as @MarcusOlivus said, when switching between the Modern Mix and Classical Mix. Apologies for the confusion.@Jeremy_NI

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,758 mod

    Thanks for all the info. I rolled back to Kontakt 7.6.1 and the crash does not happen for me, here is the installer if anyone wants to downgrade: KONTAKT 7.6.1

  • MarcusOlivus
    MarcusOlivus Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    @Jeremy_NI, thanks, I will try the downgrade. Hopefully this get patched soon.

  • ksk
    ksk Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I just purchased a few new plugins from NI. The one the crashes the most is Lores. Its pretty much almost unusable. It crashes if a soft breeze blows in its general direction. It crashes when I sneeze or when a door closes. I think it crashes on purpose just to piss me off.

  • RVJ84
    RVJ84 Member Posts: 33 Member

    This is happening to me too. Recently bought Lores & Fables and they both crash without fail when switching instrument presets in the GUI.

    I reported it to support, but they're convinced that I need to reinstall Windows to fix it. Clearly an issue with FL Studio though. So, hopefully we can get them to notice that.

  • MarcusOlivus
    MarcusOlivus Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Definitely an issue with FL. I've been using Kontakt with ableton 11 with no problems.

  • modulemodule
    modulemodule Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Downgraded Kontakt to 7.6.1. Running it in FL Studio 21.2.2 on Windows. No more crashing in Fables and Lores! Merry Christmas! Thank you!!

  • RVJ84
    RVJ84 Member Posts: 33 Member

    Can confirm that I have downgraded to 7.6.0 and it has fixed the issue. Many thanks.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,758 mod
    edited February 2024

    The bug has been filed and being looked into (KT-8739). It seems to happen when playing MIDI notes and changing samples on the go on libraries that allow you that.

    For now you can either stop playing notes while loading/auditioning a new layer/sample or downgrade Kontakt: KONTAKT 7.6.1

    This should be fixed in the coming Kontakt 7.8.1 update, no ETA yet.

  • raywisby
    raywisby Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I have same problem! FL crashes every time I use Kontakt 7.

  • Enrico Mazzoni
    Enrico Mazzoni Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Good morning,

    I had the same problem with FL studio and Kontakt, as suggested I downgraded to KONTAKT 7.6.1 but in that way the FLstudio projects don't open correctly because they were created with a later version of Kontakt. I then had to update Kontakt 7 again and give up using the Fables and Lores libraries until the problem is resolved.

  • RVJ84
    RVJ84 Member Posts: 33 Member

    Actually, since downgrading to version 7.6.0 (and then 7.6.1), now I don't have access to Session Percussionist anymore. Even though the system requirements info for that product on the website, says only that it requires Kontakt 7 to use.

    It was there when I was using the latest version of Kontakt, the one that made Lores & Fables crash. Spent a lot of money on those in the sales, and now several support tickets of mine to NI have gone unanswered recently. So, not very happy at this situation, to say the least.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,758 mod
    edited January 2024

    @RVJ84 @Enrico Mazzoni Sorry to hear about your issues. Session Percussionist requires 7.7 as a minimum, that's true. You could also use 7.7.1 and avoid playing the keyboard or play MIDI notes while changing presets/samples in the instruments to avoid the crash, as the crashes are quite specific. The devs are still investigating the issue.

  • datafireaudio
    datafireaudio Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I HAVE A SOLUTION. This worked for me, anyone using 12th gen intel processors or later, disable efficiency cores in your bios. Not sure if its a coincidence but around the time I disabled them, the crashes stopped.

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