NI Plugins do not appear in Pro Tools 2023.6

Brucema12 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Tech Talks

I recently upgraded my Pro Tools system running on my Mac Mini running OS 12.4 to ver: 2023.6 and while all of my NI applications and libraries are in the correct locations, none of my plugins appear in Pro Tools.

I rely heavily on them so please help!



  • R_Durand
    R_Durand Member Posts: 3 Member

    Make sure that you have the ".aaxplugin" files installed to this location:

    Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > Avid > Audio > Plug-ins > *Product Name*.aaxplugin

  • Brucema12
    Brucema12 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Hello and thank you. While my NI Access reports that all of my applications and library are where they should be, I DO NOT have the .aaxplugin in my folder. My next question is why? What am I missing? I reinstalled Pro Tools a while ago after experiencing problems with a certain manufacturer, but have not had this problem with any of my other large libraries. Your help is appreciated.


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,353 mod

    You need to select AAX in the NI product installer options as well.

  • Brucema12
    Brucema12 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Thank you again, but I do not see that option in the NI Access installer. So, I am so confused. Where would this option be? I go to the three dots beside the app (Like Kontact 7 ) and hit "reinstall" but this does not afford me any options to chose the aax. Im so frustrated but know like everything, that it is something hiding in plain sight. Again, you kind help is appreciated

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,353 mod
    edited September 2023

    Yes sorry you are right, however I just installed Supercharger and it seems to install aax by default for me (check your AVID plugins folder) so maybe aax is just installed by default anyway and you just need to tell Pro Tools where to look? tbh I don't need aax so I wish it was possible to select which formats install and which don't in NA2

  • Brucema12
    Brucema12 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Kymeia, Thank you anyway for helping. I have been a NI user for many years, probably decades now...

    This has never happened and Im not getting any definitive answers. I may need to start over and reinstall all of the applications until I find that master plugin. This wsuckss, but thanks for trying!

  • R_Durand
    R_Durand Member Posts: 3 Member
    edited September 2023

    If you don't have the .aaxplugin files in the location from my first comment, then all you should need to do is go to Native Access and Reinstall the products which are Apps.

    You wouldn't need to reinstall any large libraries.

    You can Filter your product entries in Native Access, so you can see only the Installed Applications.

    So basically, if it's an Application and if this product is missing from the location shown in my first comment, you can select the option to reinstall it via Native Access. Then you will see the .aaxplugin file in the folder location (from my first comment).

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    Have you given full disk access to Pro Tools? How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

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