Can someone help me with the Snapper module to reset?

willieraylewis Member Posts: 12 Member
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

I have a snapper attached to a sequencer, the Sixteen sequencer from the UL, and its working fine, i would just like it to start from the beginning whenever i hit stop and play again, rather than picking up where it left off. I can see going into the stucture panel there is a "rst" output on the start/stop module, but I'm not sure where to connect it to. I'm not much of a programmer...



  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    Maybe something @Jeremy_NI or one of the Reaktor legend knows @Paule @colB ??

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    I actually have no idea. I'll try to get some more info on that.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,032 Guru

    Hmm, I've never looked at sixteen, and I don't know what snapper is.

    What you need is a reset input on sixteen. That could be a trivial mod, or a world of pain depending on the implementation.

    If you post the ensemble, then folk can help more easily!

  • willieraylewis
    willieraylewis Member Posts: 12 Member

    @colB thanks- snapper is a macro (an old one) that I found that you can attach to instruments to sequence snap changes. I discovered it in this video -

    The sixteen block has a reset input, and I'm using that with Util Clock to reset it, I just would like for the snapper to reset when I stop playback and play again, rather than continuing from where it was stopped.

    I posted the ens.


  • willieraylewis
    willieraylewis Member Posts: 12 Member

    edit: I realize both Sixteen and the Snap Sequencer don't reset when stopped and played again. I wonder if there's a way to do that without hitting the reset play button on the transport....

  • willieraylewis
    willieraylewis Member Posts: 12 Member

    Also wanted to add that the option/space bar (reset play) works in standalone, but I am using Reaktor inside Logic and it doesn't work there....

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,032 Guru

    OK, the problem is a little different from what I expected.

    The sixteen does reset just fine exactly when I would expect it to.

    The snapper does too, you have to understand that snapper is not a Block, so not really fully compatible with the Blocks concept. Snapper stops and starts with the Reaktor transport control, to reset it, you need to hit the reset button on the transport bar. The reason for this is the snapper is based on the song position module which just reports the Main Reaktor transport position.

    It might be possible to hack something together that resets the main transport... not sure.

    More in keeping with Blocks would be modding sixteen to add a frontend save/recall thing with multiple built in snapshots and having a knob and CV inputs to select and trigger storing and recall right there on the sixteen panel. Then you could use whatever other blocks you like to sequence the various sixteen patterns you have created... (might be fun to allow 16 different storable patterns :))

  • willieraylewis
    willieraylewis Member Posts: 12 Member

    @colB thanks for looking into this. I did try the recent snap block from David (Toybox) on the UL, but he confirmed that it wouldn't work on the sequencer. I was indeed looking for some kind of mod that could use another block to change sequences/snaps, rather than having to do program changes on a Logic timeline, for instance. Would be nice if there was some kind of "snap block" to attach to anything for this.

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