Got a new mac mini m2 pro. No sounds can load!?!

Dingbat McLure
Dingbat McLure Member Posts: 31 Member
edited 11:54AM in Komplete Kontrol

Hi all!

I just got my new mac mini pro 2, upgraded from a 2017 imac.

When opening my project no sounds/synths can be loaded in Komplete Kontrol and I get some message that some stuff might not yet be compatible yet.

Why is this and what do I do to fix it?





  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,882 Expert

    You need to research the issues around the latest macOS and the loss of VST2, Rosetta mode and the need to migrate projects to VST3. There’s a bit to know.

  • Dingbat McLure
    Dingbat McLure Member Posts: 31 Member

    Ok thanks!

    Yeah I just heard about Rosetta today so I'll have to try that then maybe?



  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,882 Expert

    Basically VST2 on latest macs running M1 is no longer supported, so you need to start switching old projects to VST3.

    some plugins support migration where intelligent developers have used the VST3 mechanism to allow calls to the VST2 plugin to redirect to the VST3 plugin automatically but most need you to actually switch it out manually.

    So what you need to do is basically load up your DAW in Rosetta mode which should allow KK to now load VST2 and ou then also need to make sure you install BOTH VST2 and 3 plughin versions then unload/reload VST2 to VST3 but also keep in mind, not all plugins will have a VST3 version that is M1 compatible so you also need to research what plugins you use and if theyn have M1 compatible versions or you need to replace them. Then cross fingers things still work.

    Joys of macOS in this day and age.

  • Dingbat McLure
    Dingbat McLure Member Posts: 31 Member
    edited September 2023

    This sounds absolutely terrible.

    Is this reality? How could NI let this go on?

    Thanks a lot for the explanation though.

    And yes I have the M2 but maybe that doesn't matter anyway.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,882 Expert
    edited September 2023

    Ha, this is not an NI issue, this is a macOS issue compounded by the fact Steinberg has ended VST2 support. 100% nothing to do with NI at all, macOS needs everything redone to support the M1/M2.. processor and 99% of developers have decided if they have to do it they will not bother with VST2 since it's EOL and Cubase no longer supports it so its just progress.

    This is why it is important to keep in the loop and plan for this kind o thing, it's been a known thing for almost 2 years now and VST2 ending has been known as happening for over 5 years.

    Just FYI, Windows has none of these issues andapart from Cubase/Nuendo, all software still suports both VST2/3 for the unforseyable future allowing people to gradually move things over with ease.

    VICTORGC Member Posts: 2 Member

    I also just upgraded to an M2 pro mac mini, and had the same issue. You have to make sure that all the applications from Native Access are downloaded(Maschine, Kontakt, etc.). Then restart your computer.

    That's what worked for me at least.

    VICTORGC Member Posts: 2 Member

    You don't need to run Komplete through rosseta, it is supported natively on Apple silicon

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,882 Expert

    Yes, but to use VST2 so you can load old projects you need to launch the DAW in Rosetta, then KK will allow VST2 plugins to be used and then they can be updated to VST3 so the project can hopefully be opened in Native mode. This is only for older projects using VST2 plugins that don’t migrate. Plenty of info out there (and on this forum) to dig deeper on the matter if needed.

  • Dingbat McLure
    Dingbat McLure Member Posts: 31 Member


    Ye I'm re-downloading everything now and we'll see what happens.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    Have a look at this thread it gives an overview of which plugins are supporting VST2 to VST3 migration.

    Then also check out Jester's website and the NKS User Library (in my sig) as some of those that didn't support migration have been fixed by us creating updated NKS for the VST3 versions. There are relatively few plugins that still have this migration problem provided you are running the updated versions and fixed NKS.

  • Dingbat McLure
    Dingbat McLure Member Posts: 31 Member
    edited September 2023

    Thank you!

    So now things start to get moving here.

    But for some(all?) instruments it says I'm in demo mode and to activate them in Native Access but in NA I see no option to do that?

    Where can I activate them?

    And yes, I'm now running Logic in Rosetta mode.


  • Dingbat McLure
    Dingbat McLure Member Posts: 31 Member

    I see.

    Yeah I've been away since 2020 but I'm definitely not up to date on these things.

    I just love to create so I don't really read much about this stuff as long as everything it has on my iMac until now.

    Well, I got a bit closer by running Logic in Rosetta at least.


  • Dingbat McLure
    Dingbat McLure Member Posts: 31 Member


    I re-installed(downloaded) Kontakt and now it seems to work.

    Now trying to do the same with Massive.

    Only bad thing about this is that I sit in the jungle with ****** internet so it'll take a lifetime to re-download everything...

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 11,830 mod

    Rosetta + full disk access for Komplete Kontrol, your DAW should help:

    How to Open Your DAW Using Rosetta

    How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

  • Dingbat McLure
    Dingbat McLure Member Posts: 31 Member


    I did all that and everything works in the stand alone versions in and out of logic but not in Komplete Kontrol which is what I want.

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